New Forecast Service, how i can create a forecast entity?

When you get a chance update your sensor to use the new forecast option and see if the card changes.

Nope, first test fail :thinking:

Test with RESTfulSensor

You don’t need to call the service in the card. The card has been updated to do that automatically.

Just put your newly made entity there, the one that has no forecast attribute.

Do you still see the forecast in the card?

Please start a separate topic as opposed to jumping into this one. Answering two different people’s questions in the same topic can get confusing.

What is the template you used in forecast_daily_template?

If that’s the template you used then I suggest you change it to this:

forecast_daily_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.weatherdatafrom8805wae', 'forecast') }}"

Be sure to execute Developer Tools > YAML > Reload Template entities after making any changes to the configuration of weather.home_weather_station.

After you make the suggested change, post the revised configuration so we can review it.

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Oh Shit… :smiley:

I have written a huge long text to describe the procedure and at the last screen shot I noticed it, which is actually also not really nice :smiley:

You have to enable “Daily” and I could swear, because I’ve tried it a dozen times, the part wasn’t showing then. But anyway, it’s there now.

After saving everything is ok :slight_smile:

It has not purely coincidentally something to do with the 2023.9.2 update released today? :wink:

In any case, thanks for the support, I’ve been dealing with HA for some time and thought myself stupid to make the forecast work. :crazy_face:

So did you keep your existing forecast_template option or did you replace it with forecast_daily_template?

i replace with forecast_daily_template :slight_smile:

Good and was it the one I had suggested to you in this post:

forecast_daily_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.weatherdatafrom8805wae', 'forecast') }}"

(Because you had something else which failed to work)

Yes, it works with it, but as I said that was the first thing I tried, seems the easiest :wink:

In which one of your posts did you say that? Because it’s hard to find evidence of it.

Was it in this post where you said you tried it but reported it failed?

In that post, you never explained what kind of template you used.

In a subsequent post you did show the template but it was obviously wrong.

Plus in some posts you mistakenly referred to the option as forcecast_daily_template and it wasn’t clear if that was a typo or if you actually spelled it that way in the configuration.

So in which post did you report trying exactly the same template as what I suggested?

Seems that it did brick my buienradar forcast as the smart home junkie said it is not something he likes, it renders quite a few automations useless, plus my forecast 3rd party cards.
How to get those running again, can I use this service to fill an sensor to run an automation to make a card, pfffff sounds fun, or end of use!

Who comes up with this changes that make things so much harder to work, why not leave running things, running. Same with some integrations in the past, someone thinks they are redundant and scraps them, has there been rounds of asking people what they feel about that. Is there a say in that, it happened too often I feel.
Sorry I think I get a sour piss answer on this it will make someone angry, but things that break running cards, automations and other things happened too often in the past 10 years I use HA.
Sorry Tom_i I guess you do not like this what I say, cause you belong to the people that dream this stuff I know, everything is easy and simple, need no explanation or anything, answer read the blog.
But for things to find in this ever expanding blog, you need the exact phrasing of the problem, you need to search hours through all kind of related but not to point things. Asking is not wanted any more these days, you often get a nasty derogative answer. But Know moderators, buffs and code wonders, we are not all like that, there are a few that needs help.

For some buffs that is easy, but in laymen terms how to do that? I can not even think a start to do this, where, how, why, and howto use?

So now I make an automation to call this weather forecast service to put data in a target named weather.home, and that I use instead of buienradar???

Or is there a special yaml file in which to place services that stand alone, I am not aware of that!
Sensors, yeah
Templates, Yeah all those but a container with services I never heard of.

The standard Weather Forecast card continues to display the forecast. However, if you need a sensor containing forecast data, there’s an example in the documentation:

Trigger-based handling of response data

That is a great start, thank you!

It will not get my buienradar card running again but now I can make something out of it. TY

The card is running, displaying todays weather, it only did stop the forecast for the week! The last update did.

You could use the core weather card until the buienradar card is updated.

Here’s how I did it. I created a sensor that runs once an hour and transfers the forecasts to a sensor. Then you can use the forecasts as before.


# Données reçus de Tempest WeatherFlow

# Obtenir les pévisions journalières
  - trigger:
      - platform: time_pattern
        hours: /1
      - service: weather.get_forecast
          type: daily
          entity_id: weather.forecast_shawinigan_sud
        response_variable: previsionsjournalieres
      - name: Prévisions météorologiques journalières
        unique_id: previsions_meteorologiques_journalieres
        state: "{{ now().isoformat() }}"
        icon: mdi:hours-24
          forecast: "{{ previsionsjournalieres.forecast }}"

# Obtenir les pévisions horaires
  - trigger:
      - platform: time_pattern
        hours: /1
      - service: weather.get_forecast
          type: hourly
          entity_id: weather.shawinigan_sud
        response_variable: previsionshoraires
      - name: Prévisions météorologiques horaires
        unique_id: previsions_meteorologiques_horaires
        state: "{{ now().isoformat() }}"
        icon: mdi:hours-24
          forecast: "{{ previsionshoraires.forecast }}"
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Guess that is the only thing that can be done for me too, is why I said end of use for the card and the automations upon it.
Do not know if anyone is still updating the buienradar card these days.
But thank you Tom for the kind answer.

Do you have a link to it?

a link to what?

I did close meteo or the other northern weather service long ago, for buienradar was so great and easy.