So just had a new issue popup here with google cast and groups. I have had groups of google home devices set up for a while now and have not had any problems with them. Just recently it seems this is causing issues. I keep getting a socket communication error with pychromecast and one or two of my groups will show as unavailable entities. Restarting doesn’t seem to help and I cant cast to these groups. If I remove the groups from my google home app then the errors go away. Any ideas about what may be going on? Using hassio 0.77.3 btw
not had the time to really dig in the logs yet but experienced a similar issue this weekend.
None of my groups would show in HA. When I opened the G Home app, I could see my chromecast devices jumping in and out constantly and no group displayed.
When I next looked at it a few hours later, it was all back and hasn’t failed me when I needed it since…
Google Glitch?