New HA Iinstall on Docker - We found compatible devices! But no devices found?

I’m really struggling trying to get HA to find any devices on my local network. I installed HA months ago with the exact same setup and it wasn’t an issue, but now in the Overview section after a new install and after the message We found compatible devices! Absolutely zero devices are found or displayed in Overview. What could possibly be the issue? I’ve tried re-installing many times and deleting config folder etc to no avail. Appreciate the help. Thank you!

You need to integrate those devices in settings/devices and services.

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Post docker run command or compose file

Discovery needs mdns but to setup many devices you can just enter IP and if reachable on the network it should work.

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I suspect they are being discovered, but you need to go one step further and integrate them before they will appear in overview.

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Thanks, but none of my devices are listed in there either. Am I missing something? A few months ago when i installed HA, it auto discovered all devices on my LAN, so still not sure why nothing is showing up. Has this changed with more recent updates?

Thanks. Where do I enter IP? My Docker instance is as vanilla as they come, so I’m quite sure I haven’t misconfigured anything.

You may well be correct, but how do I manually integrate them? Sorry but it seems either there’s an issue on my side or recent HA updates have changed. Thank you!

So what devices does it say it had discovered?

That’s the thing. None! Not a single device appears in the Overview section. The only entry there is the weather.

Interesting. I just installed the Linuxsever container of HA and it has found devices. I’m guessing something in recent HA updates is not working well with my setup.

Please post your docker command.

Also forget the overview at this stage. Look in logs, and settings/devices.

What devices do you have in settings/devices?

Pardon my noobism, but how do I post my docker command? I usually configure my containers using Portainer, so apologies that I’m not overly family with Docker command line.

With the latest homeassistant/home-assistant build, there is nothing discovered and just nonsense in settings/devices like Google Translate, Radio Browser, Sun. None of which have anyrhing to do with my local network.

With the linuxserver/homeassistant:latest build, I can see various devices in Overview and the rest of them in Settings/Devices. This looks correct. I’m happy to use the linuxserver build but I’m not sure if this is an older build or why it is happening.

Well what are your config in portainer.

They should have all the elements in the instructions. Generic x86-64 - Home Assistant

In other words you need

  • privileged

  • host networking

  • a link to your config (outside docker)

  • A link to dbus

  • A timezone set

  • The correct docker image.

Also, when your get the message that ha has found a new integration, click on it, it should take you to the next stage.

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HA ui >> settings >> devices & services >> add integration >> chose integration for your device to setup

Some devices, like Onkyo receiver, cannot be added from ui. In this cas you must edit the config file for HA to add the device

Docker should be set tonuse host networking or macvlan to allow mDNS to function.

Docker containers should be setup with a hostname. There is section in portainer ui’s container details to add this. When connectin container to container you will use hostname not ip

I suggest you read docker documentation as you edit your container to understand each item you are configuring.

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Thanks. I’m fairly sure you are correct here. I followed one or two guides on Youtube about setting up HA using Portainer, but none of them even mentioned the Env variables. I’m happy to stuck with the linuxserver release as it’s currently working and they are pretty quick with pushing updates.

Thank you for this. All devices are now showing in Devices & Services and I can configure them whereas before, no devices were discovered. I am fairly certain this is because of missing Env variables after reading what you and @nickrout have said. The linuxserver image is working fine so I’m just going to stick with that for now. It was driving me nuts because I couldn’t understand why devices were missing, or how I had it working before. Pretty much my own fault for not reading proper documentation and watching half arsed Youtube guides!