Hi! I’m completely new to HA, have a Docker instance that seems to be functional, and can configure other integrations to network-connected devices (e.g. Logitech, myQ, Ambient Weather, etc.) but can’t get Vera going.
Each time I enter the IP address (in http://x.x.x.x:80) format, I get “unknown error occurred” immediately. The Vera is definitely on that IP/port and I can connect to it directly from the same PC hosting Docker just fine.
I’m surprised that no one has run into this before or has any information to share - I’m certain I’m not the only one attempting to use an existing Vera controller with HA. Guess I’ll try again - does anyone have any experience with this error when attempting to add a Vera device?
I did try restarting the server to see if that would help, but it had no effect…
My only other option is going to be to use a z-wave stick and disjoin/rejoin all devices in my house (which of course would be a major PITA).
I have the same problem I cannot fix it. Have you found a solution?
I want to connect my HA with Vera edge and Python caught an exception here:
# Verify the controller is online and get the serial number.
**await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(controller.refresh_data)**
except RequestException:
_LOGGER.error("Failed to connect to vera controller %s", base_url)
return self.async_abort(
reason="cannot_connect", description_placeholders={"base_url": base_url}