New Home-Assistant Node-Red Rpi-3 Build -Need Help

Hello All - New to Home-Assistant and Node-Red - building a new system from scratch on a Pi-3 and I’ve hit a speed bump.

O/S is raspbian stretch lite - 2018-06-27 image
Home-Assistant - 0.80.1
Node-Red - v0.19.4
MQTT (mosquitto) - v3.1

I’m stuck on the what the preferred add-on component is to integrate Node-Red with Home Assistant.

Home Assistant is working with MQTT - I’m able to control multiple Sonoff basic switch devices flashed with the latest tasmota firmware - that is fine.

Node-Red is also installed and I can get to the application without problems.

I’ve chased multiple leads that reference node-red-contrib-home-assistant or notoriousBDG-addons, etc, etc, etc.

So what is the best next step? Thanks in advance. Jim