New in HomeAssistant - Add Devices (rflink)?


i ve problem to understand Home Assistant.

i added to my config file:

  port: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Arduino__www.arduino.cc__0042_8563431383935101A201-if00
  - platform: rflink
    automatic_add: true
  - platform: rflink
    automatic_add: true
  - platform: rflink
    automatic_add: true

seems, that Home Assistant (i had installed Hassian) find something:

2018-01-06 16:25:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: 20;02;Cresta;I
2018-01-06 16:25:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: D=8201;WINDIR=0012;WINSP
2018-01-06 16:25:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: =000e;WINGS=0014;WINTMP=0
2018-01-06 16:25:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: 011;WINCHL=0011;BAT=OK;
2018-01-06 16:25:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] received data: 
2018-01-06 16:25:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got packet: 20;02;Cresta;ID=8201;WINDIR=0012;WINSP=000e;WINGS=0014;WINTMP=0011;WINCHL=0011;BAT=OK;
2018-01-06 16:25:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] decoded packet: {'id': '8201', 'windchill': 1.7, 'windchill_unit': '°C', 'windgusts': 2.0, 'windgusts_unit': 'km/h', 'node': 'gateway', 'battery': 'ok', 'protocol': 'cresta', 'windtemp_unit': '°C', 'windspeed_unit': 'km/h', 'windspeed': 1.4, 'winddirection': 270.0, 'windtemp': 1.7, 'winddirection_unit': '°'}
2018-01-06 16:25:44 DEBUG (MainThread) [rflink.protocol] got event: {'id': 'cresta_8201_wings', 'value': 2.0, 'unit': 'km/h', 'sensor': 'windgusts'}

and now? where can i find my devices in the webGUI ?

hope anyone help

Click the “hamburger icon” (top left of my screen shot) - the three dashes.

Then click the <> on the developer tools menu at he bottom of the panel that you just opened…


Scroll till you find what you are looking for or take an educated guess and CTRL-F and search for cresta etc.