New Input_number doesn’t display on front end

I updated to 0.55 and changed all input_slider to input_number and I see all the entities in the developer area but none of them display on the front end. Anyone else experiencing this??

I’m having the same issue too. I just upgrade to 0.55 about an hour ago

With the input silder component name changed to “Input Number”; now I don’t have the “Slider option” for either audio volume or brightness. I’m wondering if it is a but or something that went wrong on my side. Does anybody notice that?

Seems to work on Chromium. What happens if you clean your cache and reload the frontend?

Clean your browser cache. That should do the trick.


I added mode: slider to my input_slider configuration and that fixed it. Per the pull request, this should default to this so all we’d have to do is change input_slider to input_name, but that was not the case for me. I did not try clearing my cache, but that would also make sense as there was a related change for this with Polymer.

Clearing the cache seemed to have fixed the problem. Thanks!

Same issue here. No slider - refreshing the page with F5 did the trick.

Changed all input_slider to input_number. It showed up and it’s working, but running “check_config”, I’m getting this errors:

Failed config
General Errors:
- Component not found: input_number
- Setup failed for input_number: Component not found.

Why? Someone also got these errors?
I’m running Hassbian.

Hi @FunkyBoT. Are you sure you changed them all? If you have a “split configuration” check all the files, remember that if you call the input_number from an automation (or in a group to display a slider) you will still have a call to an input_slider.

Thanks @j.assuncao for your help. I was aware that changes would be spread all over my files, since I use splitted configuration. Doing a search by content I could find an input_slider widget in a dashboard file. But the error is not related to it, since entity is changed to input_number and widget only shows correctly if “widget_type: input_slider”. Also removing all of this from the dashboard file do not remove the errors. So I still have no idea why this happening.

Also, if I had missed some input_slider somewhere, should not I get an input_slider error (component not found) instead of input_number?

Hi again @FunkyBoT

I don’t think so because that’s just a name change and not a deprecated component. Are you using custom_ui?

Clearing the cache makes them appear again, but the slider is now extending beyond the length of the group box.


From the official Github page:

If there is not enough horizontal space the mode is set by state_card_mode parameter.

state_card_mode value description
break-slider-toggle - Move the slider and the toggle together to a second line.
single-line - Never use more than one line. Shrink the name and the slider.
break-slider - Move slider to second line. Leave toggle on the first line.
hide-slider - Hide the slider.
no-slider (default) - Never show the slider even if there is enough space.

If the slider got moved to a new line it will be 200 px wide.

Use stretch_slider attribute to make it strech to all available space.

The slider behavior is controlled by slider_theme dictionary.

In that dictionary the following optional fields are available:

field default description
min - 0 - Minimum slider value
max - 255 for light, 100 for cover - Maximum slider value
pin - False - Display numeric value when moving the slider
off_when_min - True - Whether to turn the light off when moving the slider to the minimum value if that value is not 0
report_when_not_changed - True - Whether to send the light-controlling command if the slider was returned to the initial position. I.e. you moved the slider and then changed your mind

So if I understand correctly, I have to use custom_ui now in order to make my input_number slider fit into a group? It worked fine before it was changed to input_number. Seems like using a Howitzer to hunt squirrels.


No you don’t. I just (wrongly) assumed you were using custom_ui, sorry. Can you please post a screenshot of one of your input_number sliders? That never happened to me…

Do you have any error on the browser (developer tools console)?

Not the slider under Living Room Lights. Only goes up to about 70%, then scrolls off of the side.

Only console errors are

[Deprecation] Styling master document from stylesheets defined in HTML Imports is deprecated, and is planned to be removed in M65, around March 2018. Please refer to for possible migration paths.
frontend-2de1bde3b4a6c6c47dd95504fc098906.html:57 paper-drawer-panel is deprecated. Please use app-layout instead!

I have the same issue.

Nothing in my logs about it either.

I have submitted a pull request to fix this yesterday, no idea when it’ll be merged in.