New install hangs on RPI3

While installing on a RPI3 everything seems to go ok until the installer just hangs. I can open open via my web browser at 192.168.0.xx:8123 and can move around the interface. My issue is that the Pi is stuck in the install script and never boots to desktop interface. I assume that this is not normal and was surprised that I could use the app in a browser, but I assume something has gone wrong.
I see that some other users are having similar issues with the latest release but not exactly like mine. I am an experienced PI user and have followed all directions carefully but clearly something is not right. Any suggestions would be awesome. Thanks

Hassio runs headless. The only way to access the front end is via a web browser.

Thank you for the response. Using a RPI3 for several other home automation integrations that are not headless I just assumed the same for Hassio. Glad to know that it’s running just fine. Thx again.