New Install, New User, and personal introduction

yes, that looks right in the config.

do you see anything in the configuration menu itself one level back from what the screen shot you posted? maybe you are just looking in the wrong spot?


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On a side note… I was able to get my Wink 2 authorization working correctly so I can see all of the zwave devices I have connected with Wink. Still no zwave through the server install though.

The pic from post 20 is the only location I can see any Z-Wave control.

that’s strange.

you should also have the entry that i showed above. I actually have zwave in both areas.

I have no idea why one would show up and not the other.

I’m out of ideas at this point.

You have 2 independent z-wave networks then?
1 controller in the wink hub & 1 controller for home assistant?

My ultimate goal is to remove the wink component and have everything centralized removing my dependency on cloud components.

So do you have a device that has been removed from your Wink network that you are trying to join to the Home Assistant network?

I have a couple devices that are not attached to any existing controller… but I have not been able to get the USB key working correctly. While parts of the integration shows correctly, I can’t add anything using the web interface. I get a error when trying, something like Unable to Start. Not able see what the error is just yet, and there is nothing in the logs.

I have a different USB solution I am working with, but I expect I will get into some OpenZWave troubleshooting this weekend. I think there should be a way to turn on debug logging.

I am not doing secure Z-wave but I see you are doing that. Have you tried insecure mode first?

where is that web interface that you are trying to use?

I’ve tried both without success. Restarted the server and now I can see the option for z-wave at the Configuration. However, I am still unable to add a node for some reason. Error on the toast() bottom left corner.

ok. there’s now one more thing to check…

in that same menu on the left there is the “services” icon on the far left at the bottom.

click on that and it will bring you to another page in which there will be a drop down menu listing all of the services. they are in alphabetical order so look towards the bottom to see if you see the service “zwave.add_node” or “zwave.add_node_secure” listed or any other services listed at all.

I checked through the services and didn’t find anything zwave listed. The last item on the list is wink.* related. Should I try going into core.config_entries and yanking out the “,{}” for zwave? Looks like a standard json file so it would be an easy change even if just to test it.

Okay… I tried a different approach this time. I walked through the same steps I took to do the original install of HA on a clean install of Arch Linux.

Set up the system with Arch Linux: pacstrap /mnt base base-devel git python python-pip
packages installed from 1st boot: glances vim htop

… Rebooted with the zwave key installed … and followed the instructions found on the Arch Linux Home Assistant set up page: but instead of using a helper, I did a git clone <pkg.git> then makepkg -Sri after verifying the PKGBUILD file. This installed HA version 0.91.1.

ls -ltr /dev/tty* | tail -n 1
crw-rw---- 1 root uucp 166, 0 Feb 04 14:55 /dev/ttyACM0

groupadd dialout
usermod -aG dialout <homeassistant-user-account>
chown root:dialout /dev/ttyACM0

ls -ltr /dev/tty* | tail -n 1
crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 166, 0 Feb 04 14:55 /dev/ttyACM0

… Rebooted again for good measure … and nothing. There’s something I must be missing from the configuration or a toolset. I can see the device but do nothing with it. I found openzwave.git on the AUR and I’m going to try that.

Installed the openzwave package but still no luck.

I noticed this from your link.

Home Assistant is part of the AUR. This means that it can be installed with pacaur . This package is often broken or outdated:

You would be better trying to follow the Linux manual install instructions.They are not just for Raspberry Pi.

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I saw that set of information but avoided it like the plague as it looked geared specifically at the Pi. This is what I mean about needing a documentation discussion. Not everyone will want to run it on a Pi. There should be specific instructions for just the Pi, specific instructions for the NUC or manual install. I’ll go through this on another virtual machine and see how it goes.

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If things are incorrect everyone is free to update the documentation. This is where the community can help

Thanks aidbish, but that’s on github. I won’t open an account on there. I use to have one, but migrated away to my own git server when microsoft took over. See first post for explanation.

Finished with the new install following the Raspberry Pi manual installation guide. The Z-wave dongle is there. Now to figure out how to migrate the set up without losing the OAuths I’ve set up.

Well that’s the official document repository and i cant see that changing. So any posted setups not on the install page will be lost over time.


I am somewhat concerned with GitHub because of all the free software products there and the Microsoft ownership.
GitLab is a viable alternative.

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