New install of home assistant on raspberry pi5

Hi there. I’m new here so please bare with me. I am trying to install home assistant onto a raspberry pi 5 8gb. I’ve followed the tutorial on the home assistant webpage downloaded raspberry pi software and set up os for home assistant. All seems to go ok flashing image to my SD card.
When I put the SD card with home assistant os into the pi and boot it up, the raspberry pi starts doing weird things. The power light flickers and flashes then seems to go out.

I’ve tried the pi with raspberry pi own os and seems to boot up ok. No flickering of the power light. I am using the official pi power supply so all should be good.

I flashed another SD card for another pi using belena etcher for running solar assistant and that went ok.

I’m at a loss as to what’s going wrong. Any help is appreciated thanks.

Can you connect a monitor to watch the boot sequence?

I will try and get a hold of a cable so I can monitor the boot process. When I take the SD card out and check it on another pc the drive seems to be broken up into separate drives so I have to reformat and start all over again.

This is normal after the image is written to the SD card.

You need Linux reader to read the SD card on a Windows machine.

EDIT: After Home Assistant boots (forget about what the lights are doing for the moment), have you tried accessing HA as per these instructions: Raspberry Pi - Home Assistant.

Thanks Mark. Yes tried accessing the pi via the web address but it just said unavailable. I left it for 10mins maybe more but when I went to the pi the cooling fan was off and power light was off as if it had all shut down.

I’ve ordered new sd cards and hdmi cable so I can try and get a better look at what’s going on.

Flashing the SD card should be simple so I wonder if there’s a fault with the pi.

Thanks Mark I now have a preparing home assistant screen. Looks like patience is key, I maybe didn’t appreciate the size of the install. How ever I did also unplug the case fan which I think might of helped kill the pi on start up for some reason. Thanks for your time and help :+1:

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