New install, upnp errors

Installed on Debian via the standard supervised instructions on an Intel NUC. All the basic builtin stuff seems fine, web ui, networking, app, etc

I added a Konnected alarm panel, and it can find the panel and configure it, but then the sensor is always unknown. In the log I see:

2023-04-01 12:10:54.825 ERROR (MainThread) [async_upnp_client.ssdp] Received error: [Errno 101] Network unreachable, transport: <_SelectorDatagramTransport fd=24 read=polling write=<idle, bufsize=0>>, socket: <asyncio.TransportSocket fd=24, family=AddressFamily.AF_INET, type=SocketKind.SOCK_DGRAM, proto=0, laddr=('', 45134)>

I confirmed that as a normal user (or root) there is network connectivity (both on the same ethernet switch). I’m not sure why it would be getting network unreachable listening on

any ideas?

I was getting this same error using VMWare Workstation Player 17 and what I discovered was my host running VMWare Player had a dual network card and my Home Assistant VM had both NICs selected in Bridged mode. One of which was configured properly and the other was not. The NIC that was NOT configured properly in my case had a static IP missing its gateway. Once I fixed that, those errors stopped popping up in HA.

I hope this is helpful for you.

