New Installation on Generic X86-64


I just did a new installation on a PC, Gigabyte Brix, I followed this procedure by booting on an Ubuntu live CD and using Balena.

Unfortunately HAOS does not boot, no bootable medium find. However the bootable partition seems to be correct.

Does anyone have an idea where the problem could come from?

Surprisingly I was able to solve my problem by using a Windows Live Boot, Hirenboot CD, and simply put a letter to the EFI volume then reboot… I don’t really understand why but it worked.

Hello, could you tell me how did you do this with Hirenboot?, I have the same problem

So I boot on hirenboot then I open the manager disk and add a letter on the EFI volume

When you have boot with Hiren, you make a right click on the working door then managed, then you go in disk management. You identify the volume EFI of your disk Home Assistant and you add him a letter.

Thanks @Patch42! It works!

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I have the same Problem, but can’t fix it.
What is the “working door”? Where can I add a Letter in the disk management?