New integration: Energy monitoring device Circutor Wibeee

For those interested, there is a beta version available with Local Push support. When configured correctly, the data recorded in HA will be the same “live” data that is used in Wibeee Nest (not the energy counters but the gauge data such as Power, etc). Polling still occurs to update the other counters.


  1. Enable the Wibeee Nest Proxy in the Integration’s configuration.
    wibeee integration

  2. Go to the Wibeee web UI and in Advanced Options update the Server section as described below

    Before: Server URL is and Server Port is 80
    After: Server URL the IP address of your HA instance and Server Port is 8600

    wibeee config

    Click Apply to make Wibeee restart, after which it should start pushing data to the Wibeee integration within HA.

Data received by the Wibeee integration is forwarded to Here it is in action. Wibeee Nest continues to receive the same data so you can use the Nest app if you like.


  • Only working with as the upstream for the time being (i.e. not working for and others).
  • Home Assistant port 8600 needs to be accessible by the Wibeee device (previously only Wibeee needed to be accessible by Home Assistant and not the other way around).

Please report any issues in Issues · luuuis/hass_wibeee · GitHub.