New integration for REMKO Heatpump

Dieses Funktioniert leider nicht bei mir :frowning:
Ich habe eine BrauchwasserwÀrmepumpe mit einem smart web Wifi Stick.
Mit dem MQTT Explorer kann ich mich mit den o.g. Angaben nicht verbinden.
Hast du eine Idee woran es liegen könnte?


Hey @hatari
within the smt.min.js, the username is given right before the password. Is the username you used correct?

Hey @StrubeNL

there’s a guide in my git repository. Which informations are you missing?

The Username is
global.MQTT_USERNAME = “0000000000000000”,
But i canÂŽt login with these credandials

I have a Remko heat pump. Now I’m trying to integrate it into Home Assistant as well. When I listen via MQTT to: V04P28/SMTID/CLIENT2HOST, I get: {"FORCE_RESPONSE": "true"}
Unfortunately, I cannot register it via MQTT because I get the message single_instance_allowed .
I am already using MQTT for several other things in my setup.
Is there, as far as you know, another way to get this working?
Any help is welcome! Thanks in advance!

Never mind, Its working!

Moin Thorbeen,
deine Sensoren machen mich neugierig. Kannst du mir bitte auch alle Sensoren aus der yaml senden. <3


Hello @Kaspermaat - how did you manage to get multiple mqtt devices running with this remko integration?

I added

`connection remko
remote_username 0000000000000000
remote_password --------------
try_private false

start_type automatic
cleansession true
topic V04P26/# in 0
topic V04P26/# out 0`

to mosquitto (my heatpump is a wkf120 on 4.26 - and i can see values in mqtt explorer).

what else do i have to do ?

Ich stelle demnÀchst auf die Version 4.29 um. Hat schon jemand Erfahrung mit dieser Version? Stimmen die IDs noch?

When I asked my heatpump integrator if I can control the heatpump locally and if I can integrate it to HA, they reassured me they will make sure I can.

Long story short, now here I am with 2 Multisplit units, no wires laid for their Hub and I now have one Wifi stick in my possession to test.

I managed to connect the stick to the internet and can control it via remko smart web interface. I can also connect to their MQTT with MQTT Explorer, if I mimic their Client ID, but I am not getting any messages (it fails to connect if I use the default MQTT explorer client ID). Also, the custom integration fails to initialize.

I seem to be missing a step, or is it currently broken for everyone?

Hi @metabubble ,
I can’t fully understand your solution. I’ll try to explain it to you. The solutions described here use MQTT. Your Home Assistant must receive the values ​​from your heat pump. Without values, neither the integration nor an mqtt sensor (configuration.yaml) can work. First try to successfully query the values ​​using a separate MQTT Explorer and then try further steps. There is a lot of information about this in the previous posts. If you want to know how to do it, you have to read all the information.

I have read the whole thread, but I can’t get values in MQTT explorer. I couldn’t even connect with just the username and password from the js file, I also had to change the client ID, which was stated nowhere.

Therefore I was asking if it is currently broken for anyone else.

If you use MQTT Explorer, you don’t need a client ID at all. That makes me suspicious. You need the IP address from the host. This is the IP address of your Remko heat pump, the port, the user (000
) and the determined password. If this step fails, you have no chance of success. Can you access the lokal site of your remko heat pump? Use your browser to open the IP of the device. If you use Chrome press f12 and go to network. If there is no entry refresh the website. Click on smt.min.js?cb=
 and than search in the response (ctrl f) for global.MQTT_USERNAME = “0000000000000000”
below that entry you see your password. Use it without “”. Now open the mqtt explorer and enter the data. Thats it. If it still doesn’t work double check everything. If your browser can connect you can connect too. When it still doesn’t work, search the global.SMT_VERSION and tell us the number.

Hi Jungs & MĂ€dels. Ich komme leider so gar nicht weiter. Ich habe die Integration installiert. Einen weiteren MQTT User angelegt.

Jedoch scheitere ich bereits an der ersten geforderten Eingabe:

Muss ich in der Grundeinstellung bereits andere Dateneingabe vornehmen? So wie ich das jetzt verstehe mĂŒssten die “Startdaten” so bleiben oder?

Sorry fĂŒr die vielleicht dumme Frage. Ich bin jedoch HA Neuling und seit 2 Wochen dabei alle eine GerĂ€te im HA zu integrieren. Soweit hat bis dahin alles funktioniert. Ich habe auch bereits ĂŒber MQTT Sensoren eingebunden, ich stehe aber jetzt euch auf dem Schlauch was genau zu tun wĂ€re um die Remko Anlage einbinden zu können. Kann jemand helfen und zwar fĂŒr Dummies!? Egal was ich bisher versucht habe bringt mich nicht weiter. Kann es möglicherweise daran liegen das ich bereits ein GerĂ€t ĂŒber MQTT verbunden habe? Kann man nur ein GerĂ€t darĂŒber einbinden. Ich bin euch wirklich fĂŒr jede Hilfe sehr dankbar.

MQTT Broker installiert und eingerichtet
WĂ€rmepumpe ist eine LWM110 mit Version 4.28 installiert.

It still doesnt work. I reinstalled the whole mqtt setup and has made eveything like the description. Here are the logs. Hope for your help to get theese things fixed.

Oh, so it is not the IP address of the remko smart web portal? I only have a remko wifi stick, and it exposes no ports, so I assumed I need to connect to remko smart web portal.

Hey Oliver, maybe you could help me with my integration. I use already mqtt for my bluerriot sensors and i dont know how to use a second way to integrate now my heatpump with other logins.

When I tried to add a 2nd MQTT devices I had the same situation but the solution is easy. You can set up additional logins for your MQTT devices and services using the Mosquitto add-on configuration.

Hey Oliver. I tried it now so many times but it still doesn`t work. I give a quick Step by Step overview.

  • I installed the mqtt broker (erased the whole first Integration, to integrate only the Remko Heatpump LWM110 Version 4.28)
  • i created a user called mqtt-remko with the Username and Password from the Remko Smart Web smt.min.js Folder called global.MQTT_USERNAME = “0000000000000000”, global.MQTT_PASSWORD=(my/password/in/the/smartweb/folder)
  • i installed the remko hacs integration (i changed the username 0000000000000 and the password from the smartwebinterface) The Rest is still the same (Server=coremosquitto, Port 1883, MQQT Protocol 3.1.1 etc.)

Until that point everything is correct?

I try to integrate der Hetpump but i got evertime the same error message like in my description before. Anything else maybe with the same Problem?

I got it. For all those who got the same Problem. You uabe to change the Server from core-mosquitto to the IP Adress of the Smart Web Interface. That was the reason for my whole problem. WTF. Thanks guys.