New integration for Tuya (Tuya CE)

Created new integration for Tuya - ha-tuya-ce
Named it Tuya CE (Community Edition),
Main reason for refactoring the official integration is due to the slow response to new devices (no complaints just stating a fact).

in this custom component I moved all the device / countries and unit of measurements to a JSON available in GitHub, so adding new devices doesn’t require new version and as result of that, faster time to market.

At this stage, configuration file identical to the official integration, but soon will add few of the devices that are not supported.

the main feature I’m going to add (soon after adding the missing devices) is new service to add / update devices by using a dedicated service to update the main configuration

Configuration JSON file available here

Although in the README stated that you can use HACS to download and install, didn’t get to it yet

please let me know you thoughts about it.



Will it support tuya protocol 3.4?

If it will be available through out that open api, don’t see reason why not,
It is basically the same integration as the official but with device’s configuration defined out of the code

Thanks for the answer… anyway dunno if already made the experience…but my two channel switch did act on its own for me…means I have a door opener attached to it and it opened and closed the door itself without interacting with the tuya device nor with an Automation. I’ll step back from those devices for the time being as the motor almost caught fire :fire: when it was blocked because the door was already closed

Repo is available in elad-bar/ha-tuya-ce,
adding new devices to that inegration is pretty simple (a tool is available for that in repo),
Below is a manual of how to add unsupported devices of Tuya to get supported (devices without insturctions / entities):

How to add support for unsupported Tuya devices

Tuya Developer Portal

  • Login to Developer Portal
  • Open Cloud menu and click on DevelopmentDeveloper Portal
  • Open the relevant project from the listProject list
  • In the upper navigation menu, click on Devicesimg.png
  • From the product navigation menu (View devices by product) find the relevant product you would like to add supportimg_1.png
  • Click on the Change control instruction modeimg_2.png
  • Select DP Instructions instead of Standard instructionsimg_3.png
  • List of supported DP codes with their names will appear
  • Click on Save configuration button
  • You will get redirected to the device list again
  • Find (again) the product ou have changed in the product navigation menu
  • Click on Instruction details button next the nameimg_4.png
  • On the right side will be opened Details view on the right sideimg_5.png
  • Click on Refresh configuration button
  • Close the Details view
  • Click on Debug device link related to one of the devices of the product
  • DP Instructions should appear in new format, if not, refresh the screen using F5![img_6.png]( DP Instructions.png)

Home Assistant

  • In HA, Open Settings → Device & Services

  • Find Tuya integration

  • Click on the 3 dots menu and then on the reload menu item

    HA Menu

  • Once reloaded message appeared, open the menu again and this time click on Download diagnostics

  • In the downloaded file, you should find the additional JSON related to the device (functions and status list)

  • If the support for the device already added, you will see also the entities within the device

  • If no support available yet, please report in GitHub to add support with the JSON of the device

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