New Integration: Grünbeck softliQ

Today I can see the same behavior, the light is on and I don’t understand why.
Your Integration just pulls the data from the Grünbeck cloud, as far as I understand, but why is the light on? That worked perfect before I was using the Integration.

I think it depends on “operation by user”, but I don’t do anything on the water softener. Any ideas, what could help? I’d like to use option 5, because in the past I could easily see, if anywhere water was used.

It’s exactly the same for me. As soon as the integration is installed, the ring lights up permanently; if I delete the integration again, everything is ok

I deactivated the ring in the menu.

Of course that is a possibility, but I think the function for which the illuminated ring is intended is good and would like to keep it.

Yes but with iOBroher it was the same, nothing changed.
I think with access to the cloud api, the cloud pulls the data from the device, with this read write acess the device lights up.

Works fine with my SD18 ! Thank you very much, looking so long for this!

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Works really great and stable now :slight_smile:

If you now integrate “mode”, “hasError” and “errors” I can finally delete my ioBroker instance :slight_smile: :slight_smile:


Great :slight_smile:

I’m already working on it. This week was a little bit busy at work, hope I will get it ready soon.

I want to Implement the “mode” as an select entity, so that changing is also posible, and the “hasError” will be a binary sensor with the errors as a list in the Attributes.

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Ah, okay. I didn’t know that. In that case, it seems, that I can only change the settings.

Thanks for your reply.

Thanks a lot @p0l0 , this is so great. As many others, I am having iobroker running for this (and vcontrold) only. Thank you very much :slight_smile:

Would it be possible to integrate these keys from iobroker as well?

  • gruenbeck.0.softliQ.D/BM40004391.hasError - if it has errors
  • - if the device is connected
  • would it be possible to integrate the error states and operation mode?
  • just as a note, having a model with two softeners inside - in iobroker there is a lot more under the ‘stream’ branch in iobroker (MD32).

Regarding the last service, this is showing ‘0’ in HA but a valid date in iobroker (- gruenbeck.0.softliQ.D/BM40004391.lastService) - is this also the case for others?

Regarding the template sensor, this is what I had to use to get it working with a current default installation in german - the entities are a little different (german and no underscores):

  - sensor:
      - name: "Total Water Usage"
        unit_of_measurement: L
        state_class: total_increasing
        device_class: water
        state: >
          {%- set soft_water = states('sensor.<device_name>_weichwasserharte')|float(0) -%}
          {%- set raw_water = states('sensor.<device_name>_rohwasserharte')|float(0) -%}
          {%- set soft_water_quantity = states('sensor.<device_name>_weichwasserverbrauch')|float(0) -%}
          {%- if (is_number(soft_water_quantity) and (soft_water_quantity > 1)) and (is_number(raw_water) and (raw_water > 1)) and (is_number(soft_water) and (soft_water > 1)) -%}
            {%- set water_usage = ((soft_water*soft_water_quantity)/(raw_water-soft_water)+soft_water_quantity)|round(4) | float(unavailable) -%}
          {%- endif -%}
          {%- if is_number(water_usage) -%}
          {%- endif -%}

I’m working on the next version, hope to have it ready until end of week.

The “connection” in ioBroker is active as soon as the login was successful. The HA Integration would show an error if it was not able to login and connect.

The API is providing a lot of more information, but currently I only created sensors, for that what I found most useful. Which information is missing for you?

Last service should show a Date, with the new version I changed the way how responses are parsed, maybe that fixes also your problem.

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New version is now available :slight_smile:

Error messages are listed as an attribute under the has_error entity.

Salt and soft water consumption for the last 3 days is listed as an attribute for salt_consumption and soft_water_quantity.


Sice the Update to the latest Version I get the following:

Response status code for`xxxxx/realtime/refresh?api-version=2020-08-03 is 500, we expected 202.

Anyone experience the same problem?

OK, seems to be related to some connection issues. The app does not show all data as well.

Yes, I’ve the same problem since yesterday. No response from the Grünbeck services.

Also the ioBroker solution doesn’t return any “stream” values since yesterday morning.

I have the same problems, no streaming data… :frowning:

The Grünbeck app shows a popup.
They are having issues…

Unfortunately still no data and no information about the current status, hope they will fix it soon.

I called them today. They have a software vendor issue and are working on it. Should be working next week again, he told me.
Sadly, they also don’t have a status page. I guess we need to wait until it is magically working again.

Seems to be working again.



The code has to be put into the configuration.yaml correct?

At the moment I commented it so it can’t work.

But when I get uncomment it I get an error shown in file editor configuration.yaml any idea?

Kind regards