New Integration: Grünbeck softliQ

Just installed the new integration. First look → looks good :slight_smile: Thank you!

I used FHEM and ioBroker in the past years (I switched from FHEM to HA). I’m quite shure, there is a gab with too many API-request in time x. Perhaps (in the future), there could be an option (while configuration of the integration), to set the time between cloud polls. Also in the future, there it would be an option, to add a button “salt refilled” which saves the current salt-state on button press, so you can get an information, if nearly 25 kg are used since last refill (I guessed 25 kg is the most common package in this example).

Of course, if any problems occure or something in similar, I will post here or on github-issues.

@p0l0 / Marco: Vielleicht mache ich das auf deutsch, wenn es ok ist. Ich breche mir auf der Arbeit immer schon einen ab, auf englisch halbwegs verklickern zu können, warum ich schon wieder einen Prod-INC eröffnet habe^^ Oder in beiden Sprachen - dann kann ich wenigstens sicher gehen, dass ich es in einer von beiden verständlich und vollständig beschrieben habe :wink:

For sure, I will overwork a little bit the error handling.

Das Cloud Polling ist auf 360 Sekunden eingestellt, so wie im ioBroker, drunter sollte es nicht sein, wird auch im Code der ioBroker Integration drüber hingewiesen. Dieser Wert sollte laut HA, immer durch die Integration gesteuert werden und nicht durch den User.

Wie oft Information über die WebSocket Verbindung kommt, wird durch Grünbeck gesteuert, da kann man leider nichts einstellen.

Zum Thema Salz nachfüllen, ist in Planung, ich habe eine SD18, die ja leider nicht den Füllstand messen kann. In der ioBroker Integration gibt es eine Formel um den Salzverbrauch zu berechnen, da ich auch in den nächsten Tagen bei mir nachfüllen muss, will mal schauen ob es einigermaßen hinhaut.

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FYI: It seems that the integration stops getting data after some time, I’m already debugging it, to find out when it happens and how it can be fixed.


My intention (set polling-duration) was only for the purpose, if anyone want to set it to another duration (but with limitation of “min 360 sec”).

Maybe you could (if you don’t even know it) also have a look at the FHEM-“integration”. It is the by KernSani. He also implemented a “refill-logic”.

FYI: Happens to me to, that the integration stops getting data. ioBroker works normal (in parallel).

For your information, I was able to install your integration with the latest Core version.
However, I noticed that the LED light ring on the water softener was permanently illuminated


Short look says: The LED light ring is illuminated here also, think it shouldn’t have been. But I don’t really know when it is supposed to be active.

Continuing the discussion from New Integration: Grünbeck softliQ:

Hi Thonglor,

I’m slowly getting desperate here. I have the identical Grünbeck system and am fairly new to Home Assitant. I tried to implement your instructions, but somehow everything always fails when the Python script is called. Do you have any idea what I’m doing wrong? I have integrated AppDaemon for Python scripts and packages. As I said, I’m quite new to the topic, but I’ve already managed a lot of integrations. But I’ve been stuck on the connection to the Grünbeck facility for hours now. Thank you in advance!

Following Error in Logfile:

Logger: homeassistant.components.command_line.utils
Source: components/command_line/
Integration: Command Line (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 18:03:03 (9 occurrences)
Last logged: 18:07:03

Command failed (with return code 127): /usr/bin/python3 /custom_components/python_script/

I would start debugging here:

  • locate the script in your filesystem
  • run /usr/bin/python3 <path_to>/ and check the error message returned by python

I looked at the operating instructions, I don’t see why the LED light ring is being activated…

The integration only reads data from the cloud and doesn’t change any settings. Do you have the same issue if you use the ioBroker Integration?

Hi Indy2106, I have the python code in directory
not in

So if you changed the directory, you may need to adapt at other places, too.

As @jhf2442 rightly points out start to execute the script from OS-level. If I do this the following happens:

Mine is not activated. Mine is set to “bei störung”

My Grünbeck is set to light the LED ring on every event (Störung, usage, water treatment), maybe it just did water treatment when I first had a look. It was off now. Did configure the LED to minor brightness additionally, there is seldom someone looking at it …

I released a new version which should fix the issue stopping getting data. For me it’s currently working without outage for 48 hours.


Great work!
At least for the last 24 hours it is running pretty smooth.

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Thanks for the fix. Seems to work now :+1:

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Thanks for your great work! I’ve noticed just one time, after about 4 hours of use, that the integration has stopped. A restart of Home Assistant solved the problem and since then it runs for a couple of days, without any errors. I’m using an SD32.

I’ve noticed that the LED light ring is activated for the whole day. I would say, that this problem doesn’t exist before version 0.0.2, but I’m not 100% sure. Any ideas what the problem could be?
I don’t use the ioBroker Integration.

The only difference between 0.0.1 and 0.0.2 is that less requests are made, nothing changed in how requests are made.

I have a SD18, which doesn’t have a LED ring.

Maybe the LED ring standard configuration is, that it’s on when “realtime” data transfer is activated. As mentioned above, probably the ring should be configured to only be on when an error occurs.

Hmm, it seems to be an error. After changing the configuration from option 5 to 3, the light turns off. Then I’ve changed it back to option 5, it goes green and turns immediately off. So I think the problem lay elsewhere.