Currently im working on an integration for Solax inverters to pull data from the cloud.
My work is ready to be released for beta user:
See my repositories here:
API wrapper:
Development step are:
Get is into hacs, use it there for a while, get feed back, update, get it as an offical HA integration.
There are still some open points for the integration, help is welcome.
Currently the integration is tested with a Solax X3 hybrid inverter, so more inverter types are welcome.
@frank8the9tank Just tried installing the integration through HACS and got the following error: Config-flow kon niet geladen worden: {"message":"Invalid handler specified"}
Next step for me is to figure out where exactly you can acquire an API-token.
On the cloud portal (Solax Cloud System) I don’t see any API-related sections. I’ll contact the installer to see if they need to give me more access in the portal.
I’ll keep you posted!
Use the PocketLAN or PocketWiFi serial number, NOT the inverter serial number.
Obtain Token from the Solax Cloud website
Old interface:
Service → API → API: Real-time display → TokenID
New interface:
Support → Third-party ecology → API: Real-Time Display → TokenID
I have installed the integration but not sure what I need to do to get the API wrapper installed? I am assuming the integration does not work without the API wrapper installed somehow?
You only need to download the integration and place it in the custom component folder.
Restart HA, when you add the integration to HA it will download the dependencies automatically. (The api wrapper is only the source for the PyPI binary)
Hi @frank8the9tank please are there some steps needed to be able to use integration sensors in Energy dashboard? Do I need to setup some helpers, e.g. with Utility meter? Thanks
I have checked a couple of this. but it looks like the entities don’t have the correct “arguments/categories” for it to show up in the energy dashboard as a selectable entities. So it probably has to do with my code. when i have some time i will try to fix it.
in the mean time i think adding some helpers should fix this.
Thank you for implementing this integration.
Regarding the Energy dashboard. Could it be, that the Attribute “state_class” is missing for sensor.yield_total and sensor.yield_today?