[Under New Management] Interactive history explorer custom card

I have put up an issue #105 with some research and probable cause.

Important hotfix for HA 2022.12

V1.0.40 is out with a hotfix for a breaking change (yup, yet another one…) on the HA long term statistics API that would make statistics not display on this card when you had 2022.12 installed. Thanks to @kulmegil for the quick testing ! I didn’t have 2022.12 installed yet (because well, you know why…) and I don’t read their developer blogs (that’s where these breaking changes are apparently mentioned, they’re not mentioned in the normal release notes), so this slipped.

Is it (currently) possible to disable the (more than great) infopanel on domains, classes or entities? A kind of exclude-list?

Current use case: climate Here the standard one is giving more details (of course without the features you have in yours like zooming, scrolling, etc.)


Instead of


Not currently, but it should be possible to add a per-entity (or domain, device_class, etc) override for it.

Maybe it’s also time to add a thermostat view, that’s kinda missing right now from this card. I don’t like the way HA visualizes it natively though, so hmm.

My heating system doesn’t register as a native HA thermostat, so I don’t really use that view. Isn’t that just two temperature lines plus an (ugly) blocky thing that shows heating / cooling cycles beneath a curve ?

Purple is the setpoint (target) temperature. Blue is the current measured temperature. The coloring under the current temperature indicates if it’s heating (orange) or cooling (light blue?) or not (transparent).

Yeah, but it looks so ugly. Of course all the colors would be configurable, but these heat / cool cycle color fillings under the curve look like rendering bugs. And I don’t find this particularly intuitive either. On Argantos screenshot above, the heat cycle indicator is only visible on a small lower part of the graph, because it’s confined to the space under the curve and limited by min/max range. Not ideal. I wonder if there’s a better way to visualize this data.

Also, most of that stuff is stored in attributes of the sensor, as far as I know. That makes things a lot more complicated, as requesting attributes makes database queries super slow. It would need a special case treatment only for thermostats on the database cache handling. Hmm.

Edit: just Google image browsing how commercial smart thermostat visualize this on their respective apps. I like the way Ecobee does it. They basically combine line graphs (for temperatures) with separate, but sync’ed timeline-like graphs for operation mode. That looks a lot cleaner. Like this for example:

IIRC it used to color the entire background in Y, not just the area under the curve.

Of course it is a matter of taste, but I like the view (beside the mssing scolling/zooming). I can see is and target and when it is heating/colling. If you are used to look at these, you don’t see the gaps not as rendering bugs anymore. But of course it is more than only the state, so I would like to disable info panel for climate (until you perhaps invent a view, wich I like even more). :slight_smile:

This is related to a room, where the existing climate is not able to reach the target.

What about something like this ? Quickly hacked together using some random sensors I had (room temp is actually outside temp :wink:), reusing existing components, relayouting them and changing the spacing.


Or this ? More like the original HA one, but with different colors and transparent overlays.



bottom one IMO

Would like this as well. Would be interested, how it will look like in PWM underfloor heating cases. There the current Doppler effect pattern was quite helpfull for a quick look But could be, that this is the same in bar chart.

Like the added second option much more than the first.

But as said, I like the HA way as well.

Alright, I’ll think about this some more. The rendering part is not complicated, the attribute handling thing is problematic (if I want to keep interactive performances). In the meantime, I can add an override for the more info panel based on entity id or domain or device class for the next version.

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The bottom image looks promising, but this needs to be able to support data that has multiple frequent short periods of heating or cooling. Ie - there will often be many narrow columns when the heater or AC is running, not a few wide ones like you’ve mocked up.

Version 1.0.41 is up ! Some nice new features:

  • Improved tooltip management. It should be a lot easier now to see where datapoints are located on your line graphs and tooltips will get less in the way. Nearby datapoints will highlight from a distance when you approach the curve, so you see where the datapoints are. The tooltip will appear once you hover over a highlighted datapoint. That also makes it a lot easier on mobile.

  • Holding the SHIFT key while you approach a curve with the pointer will make all its datapoints appear temporarily, so you see exactly where they are:


  • The filterEntities option, controlling the entities that appear in the selector dropdown, now accepts multiple filters in a list. The old single filter syntax will continue to work too.
  - '*power*'
  - 'sensor.*energy*'
  • Specific entities, domains or devices classes can now be excluded from the more info panel override. The native more info panel will be shown for them instead. (@arganto):
    energy: true            # exclude all entities using the energy device class
    binary_sensor: true     # exclude all binary sensors
    sensor.motion1: true    # exclude only this entity

This is intentionally not a YAML list, so you can easily turn entries on and off without removing them from the exclude list (by setting them to false)

And more bugfixes and performance improvements ! As usual, changelog is here.

Feedback on the tooltips change is welcome !


CoCoCool. Thanks a lot. Everything working so far! :slight_smile:

Can someone help me with the line graph display? I would like the graph to be displayed as in the standard history. There I can see much more detail.

i’m now using the following YAML script

  - type: line
      ymin: 0
      ymax: 100
    showTimeLabels: true
      - entity: sensor.algemeen_current_flow_temp
      - entity: sensor.algemeen_flow_setpoint_value
      - entity: sensor.algemeen_return_temperature_ch

Can you specify, what you mean exactly and what much more details do you mean?

In the standard history graph i have more vertical lines and the graph is much higher in dimension. You can see a lot more detail in the line (all the little spikes)

Try undocumented timeTickDensity: high/medium/low

Configuring the UI, there e.g. lineGraphHeight

Adjust Data decimation

I tried this… but this doesn’t change anything (sorry my YAML skills are no that good :slight_smile:

  - type: line
    lineMode: lines
    timeTickDensity: high
    lineGraphHeight: 100
    decimation: accurate
      ymin: 0
      ymax: 100
    showTimeLabels: true
      - entity: sensor.algemeen_current_flow_temp
      - entity: sensor.algemeen_flow_setpoint_value
      - entity: sensor.algemeen_return_temperature_ch