New IOS Beta 2.0 Attributes?

With the new IOS app I can see a lot of new attributes in the device tracker. Does anyone know how to pull these out from the entity? Say like the location, pedometer, steps taken, etc…

timestamp: 2019-03-26T16:31:57.724-0400 pedometer: { "number_of_steps": 91, "end_date": "2019-03-26T16:31:59.814-0400", "floors_ascended": 0, "distance": 62, "average_active_pace": 1, "floors_descended": 0, "start_date": "2019-03-26T16:29:52.337-0400" } speed: -1 altitude: 297.9394836425781 floor: 2146959360

Take a look at this repo:

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The IOS beta version will be useful for all the ios users as they can know how it is going to be implemented and what are the effects of it. I have also tried a beta version and got iTunes error 9 in return.

Thanks. That really helps