New Lovelace Configure UI & Raw config editor?

Hi Guys
I am enjoying the new Lovelace config UI, one thing I don’t understand is I have added some Cards however when I open the " Raw Config editor" , I don’t see the cards in the config file. I only see the original entries when I did the upgrade to 0.86.
I thought new cards would be added to the config editor ?


If you have used the classic view (prior to lovelace) and never used lovelace before it will try to convert your old setup to lovelace. Don’t know what will happen if you did use lovelace in the past (as I started later on). No new cards will be added as far as I know and you will have to add cards yourself (be it the default ones or custom ones).

If you previously used lovelace, you need to copy/paste from ui-lovelace.yaml into the raw editor (overwrite raw data) and save. Then it will all be back.

The ‘initial’ lovelace in 0.86.x just imports old groups and states info… you need to copy/past lovelace…

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Guys thanks for the reply , what I am asking is that when I click on the " Raw config editor " I see all my old cards but do not see the NEW cards I have made with the new upgrade 0.86.
I upgraded to 0.86 however the new cards I made do not show up in the " Raw Config Editor " ?
Why can I not see them in the Raw editor ?


The raw config editor is just a different representation of your GUI editor for lovelace… Are you in YAML mode for lovelace?

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Thanks David,
I removed the YAML line out of my configuration file .

I deleted the lines and restarted adding cards and now its working . I am seeing the cards in the Raw editor
Thanks for your help.

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