New Lovelace view doesnt show name

I created a new view/page for some cards i want to place there.
But the name that i gave to the view is not displayed nor the symbol that i chose for it.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.

Not without seeing the view configuration.

The icon you selected is not included in home assistant yet or you miss-spelled the name. When you use an icon, it overrides the text and only the icon is displayed. When the icon is blank, it’s either a spelling error or non-existent icon.

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I deleted the icon and now the text is displayed.
Thought all icons that are listed here could be used?

No, typically Home Assistant is 1-3 months behind the material design website.

I found what was wrong. I used mdi:mdi-television .
It should be: mdi:televison .
But good to know that it is only possible to use text OR icon.
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. :slight_smile:

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