New MQTT and fixing old LED's

Hey Fam I realized I had a lot of broken stuff and I was able to fix most of it. What remains is some LED strings powered by MQTT.

The odd thing is that one of them works, two of them do not. I did a diff comparison between them and I don’t see anything that shouldn’t be different. Any help is appreciated. led_strip1 is the one that is working just fine. I have power cycled everything as well.

Here is my MQTT broker log.

home/led_strip1/LWT offline
home/led_strip1/LWT online
led/strip1 {"state":"OFF","color":{"r":255,"g":255,"b":255},"brightness":255,"effect":"solid","white_value":-1}
led/strip1/set {"state":"ON","color":{"r":255,"g":255,"b":255},"brightness":90,"effect":"christmas alternate","white_value":100}
led/strip1/set {"state":"ON"}
led/strip1 {"state":"ON","color":{"r":255,"g":255,"b":255},"brightness":255,"effect":"solid","white_value":-1}
led/strip1/set {"state":"ON","brightness":69}
led/strip1 {"state":"ON","color":{"r":255,"g":255,"b":255},"brightness":69,"effect":"solid","white_value":-1}
led/strip1/set {"state":"OFF"}
led/strip1 {"state":"OFF","color":{"r":255,"g":255,"b":255},"brightness":69,"effect":"solid","white_value":-1}
led/strip1/set {"state":"ON"}
led/strip1 {"state":"ON","color":{"r":255,"g":255,"b":255},"brightness":69,"effect":"solid","white_value":-1}
led/strip1/set {"state":"ON","effect":"noise"}
led/strip1 {"state":"ON","color":{"r":255,"g":255,"b":255},"brightness":69,"effect":"noise","white_value":-1}
home/tv/LWT offline
home/tv/LWT online
dev/tv {"state":"OFF","color":{"r":255,"g":255,"b":255},"brightness":255,"effect":"solid","white_value":-1}
dev/tv/set {"state":"ON","color":{"r":204,"g":0,"b":255},"brightness":26,"effect":"candy cane","white_value":18}
dev/tv {"state":"ON","color":{"r":204,"g":0,"b":255},"brightness":26,"effect":"candy cane","white_value":19}
dev/tv {"state":"ON","color":{"r":204,"g":0,"b":255},"brightness":26,"effect":"candy cane","white_value":19}

And here is the relevant MQTT entry.

    schema: json
    name: "TV Strip"
    state_topic: "dev/tv"
    command_topic: "home/tv/set"
    rgb: true
    availability_topic: "home/tv/LWT"
    #white_value: true
    effect: true
      - solid    
      - candy cane  
      - confetti  
      - cyclon rainbow  
      - dots  
      - fire  
      - glitter  
      - juggle  
      - lightning
      - noise  
      - police all  
      - police one  
      - rainbow  
      - rainbow with glitter  
      - ripple      
      - twinkle
      - sinelon
      - sine hue
      - full hue
      - breathe
      - hue breathe
      - Christmas
      - christmas alternate
      - random stars
      - St Patty
      - Valentine
      - Turkey Day
      - Thanksgiving
      - USA
      - Independence
      - Halloween
      - Go Lions
      - Hail
      - Touchdown
      - Punkin
      - Lovey Day
      - Holly Jolly      
    brightness: true
    optimistic: false
    qos: 0
    schema: json
    name: "Dev Strip"
    state_topic: "dev/strip"
    command_topic: "dev/strip/set"
    rgb: true
    availability_topic: "home/dev_strip/LWT"
    effect: true
      - solid    
      - candy cane  
      - confetti  
      - cyclon rainbow  
      - dots  
      - fire  
      - glitter  
      - juggle  
      - lightning
      - noise  
      - police all  
      - police one  
      - rainbow  
      - rainbow with glitter  
      - ripple      
      - twinkle
      - sinelon
      - sine hue
      - full hue
      - breathe
      - hue breathe
      - Christmas
      - christmas alternate
      - random stars
      - St Patty
      - Valentine
      - Turkey Day
      - Thanksgiving
      - USA
      - Independence
      - Halloween
      - Go Lions
      - Hail
      - Touchdown
      - Punkin
      - Lovey Day
      - Holly Jolly      
    brightness: true
    optimistic: false
    qos: 0
    schema: json
    name: "LED Strip1"
    state_topic: "led/strip1"
    command_topic: "led/strip1/set"
    rgb: true
    availability_topic: "home/led_strip1/LWT"
    effect: true
      - solid    
      - candy cane  
      - confetti  
      - cyclon rainbow  
      - dots  
      - fire  
      - glitter  
      - juggle  
      - lightning
      - noise  
      - police all  
      - police one  
      - rainbow  
      - rainbow with glitter  
      - ripple      
      - twinkle
      - sinelon
      - sine hue
      - full hue
      - breathe
      - hue breathe
      - Christmas
      - christmas alternate
      - random stars
      - St Patty
      - Valentine
      - Turkey Day
      - Thanksgiving
      - USA
      - Independence
      - Halloween
      - Go Lions
      - Hail
      - Touchdown
      - Punkin
      - Lovey Day
      - Holly Jolly      
    brightness: true
    optimistic: false
    qos: 0

change it to this:

    - schema: json
      name: "TV Strip"
      state_topic: "dev/tv"
      command_topic: "home/tv/set"
      rgb: true
      availability_topic: "home/tv/LWT"
      #white_value: true
      effect: true
        - solid    
        - candy cane  
        - confetti  
        - cyclon rainbow  
        - dots  
        - fire  
        - glitter  
        - juggle  
        - lightning
        - noise  
        - police all  
        - police one  
        - rainbow  
        - rainbow with glitter  
        - ripple      
        - twinkle
        - sinelon
        - sine hue
        - full hue
        - breathe
        - hue breathe
        - Christmas
        - christmas alternate
        - random stars
        - St Patty
        - Valentine
        - Turkey Day
        - Thanksgiving
        - USA
        - Independence
        - Halloween
        - Go Lions
        - Hail
        - Touchdown
        - Punkin
        - Lovey Day
        - Holly Jolly      
      brightness: true
      optimistic: false
      qos: 0
    - schema: json
      name: "Dev Strip"
      state_topic: "dev/strip"
      command_topic: "dev/strip/set"
      rgb: true
      availability_topic: "home/dev_strip/LWT"
      effect: true
        - solid    
        - candy cane  
        - confetti  
        - cyclon rainbow  
        - dots  
        - fire  
        - glitter  
        - juggle  
        - lightning
        - noise  
        - police all  
        - police one  
        - rainbow  
        - rainbow with glitter  
        - ripple      
        - twinkle
        - sinelon
        - sine hue
        - full hue
        - breathe
        - hue breathe
        - Christmas
        - christmas alternate
        - random stars
        - St Patty
        - Valentine
        - Turkey Day
        - Thanksgiving
        - USA
        - Independence
        - Halloween
        - Go Lions
        - Hail
        - Touchdown
        - Punkin
        - Lovey Day
        - Holly Jolly      
      brightness: true
      optimistic: false
      qos: 0
    - schema: json
      name: "LED Strip1"
      state_topic: "led/strip1"
      command_topic: "led/strip1/set"
      rgb: true
      availability_topic: "home/led_strip1/LWT"
      effect: true
        - solid    
        - candy cane  
        - confetti  
        - cyclon rainbow  
        - dots  
        - fire  
        - glitter  
        - juggle  
        - lightning
        - noise  
        - police all  
        - police one  
        - rainbow  
        - rainbow with glitter  
        - ripple      
        - twinkle
        - sinelon
        - sine hue
        - full hue
        - breathe
        - hue breathe
        - Christmas
        - christmas alternate
        - random stars
        - St Patty
        - Valentine
        - Turkey Day
        - Thanksgiving
        - USA
        - Independence
        - Halloween
        - Go Lions
        - Hail
        - Touchdown
        - Punkin
        - Lovey Day
        - Holly Jolly      
      brightness: true
      optimistic: false
      qos: 0

That was it, Thanks! I see why one of them worked and the others were ignored. I have a bunch of temp & humidity sensors, and camera entries. Those were not affected and I was surprised. The most difficult one was the garage door sensor, the physical sensor had gotten moved somehow and I had missed this prior to the update.

I was actually surprised I didn’t find another post related to this. These are the old “bruh automation” lights for reference.

1 Like

This worked, but I lost white_value. This one is important because it controls either speed or frequency. I did look around and saw some mentions and some templates that didn’t look like what I needed. I still need to send the white_value as white_value. How can I get this function back? Thanks!

I have no idea. I don’t use any mqtt lights.

Have you looked back at some older release breaking changes to see if that change was mentioned there and how to get equivalent functionality back?