New MQTT sensor issues with {{value}}

Hi, through the latest HA release i became aware of a repair i had to do in regards to moving an mqtt specified as sensor to the “mqtt:” config.

After doing so and having specified the sensor like this:

# MQTT based sensors
mqtt: !include_dir_merge_list config_mqtt/
- sensor:
    state_topic: "Home/IndoorAirqualitySensor-1/Temperature"
    name: "IndoorAirqualitySensor-1 Temperature"
    unit_of_measurement: "°C"
    value_template: "{{ value }}"
    unique_id: 20294cd7-2366-4f3b-a894-01a4d00101bf

I get the following issue when checking the config.

Invalid config for [mqtt]: expected dictionary for dictionary value @ data[‘mqtt’]. Got [OrderedDict([(‘sensor’, OrderedDict([(‘state_topic’, ‘Home/IndoorAirqualitySensor-1/Temperature’), (‘name’, ‘IndoorAirqualitySensor-1 Temperature’), (‘unit_of_measurement’, ‘°C’), (‘value_template’, ‘{{ value }}’), (‘unique_id’, ‘20294cd7-2366-4f3b-a894-01a4d00101bf’)]))]), OrderedDict([(‘sensor’, OrderedDict([(‘state_topic’, ‘Home/IndoorAirqualitySensor-1/GasResistance’), (‘name’, ‘IndoorAirqualitySensor-1 GasResistance’), (‘value_template’, ‘{{ value }}’), (‘unique_id’, 'd999bed2-50c0-4739… (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 111).

Playing around with {{value}} did not help. I do not return a JSON for the topic.
Any ideas?


The problem isn’t with ‘value’ it’s due to incorrect YAML syntax.

Check the format of the examples posted in the documentation.

    - name: "IndoorAirqualitySensor-1 Temperature"
      state_topic: "Home/IndoorAirqualitySensor-1/Temperature"
      unit_of_measurement: "°C"
      value_template: "{{ value }}"
      unique_id: 20294cd7-2366-4f3b-a894-01a4d00101bf