New MQTT Sensor not being added


I have Mosquitto Broker addon installed and working fine (I know that is working because I have some ESPHome and zigbee2mqtt devices).
My main mqtt configuration is:

  discovery: true

Now I have two problems:

  1. Tasmota integration is not working. I have it installed and my Tasmota device is configured to use my MQTT Broker and “SetOption19 0”, acording to Tasmota Manual. The device is not added or discovered by Home Assistant. I’m sure that device is publishing on MQTT, since I have MQTT.fx connected to broker and I can see topic called ‘tele/medidor_energia_adsb/STATE’ (also /SENSOR, /RESULT, /LWT).

  2. Even trying to manually add MQTT sensor, I could not find it anywhere in HA. This is my ‘sensor’ code:

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Energia Consumida"
  unique_id: "medidor_adsb_energia_consumida"
  state_topic: "tele/medidor_energia_adsb/SENSOR"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.ENERGY.Total }}"
  unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'    

Like I said, topic ‘tele/medidor_energia_adsb/SENSOR’ exists and this is one message (I’ve setup report every 60 seconds)


I have tried to find this device in entities, devices, in ‘Developer Tools → STATES’, but I could not find it anywhere.
My configuration syntax is correct, since configuration check report OK in HA…I also have changed this sensor to something wrong (like an space before ‘name’), just to check if my sensor file is being loaded…and it’s ok, HA report configuration invalid, so my sensor configuration file is being loaded.

What am I doing wrong? How can I debug even more this problem?

One more information:
In Configuration -> Integrations -> Mosquitto Broker -> CONFIGURE, I have tried Listen to a topic with my SENSOR topic and got this:

Message 0 received on tele/medidor_energia_adsb/SENSOR at 9:36 PM:
    "Time": "2021-05-17T01:36:15",
    "ENERGY": {
        "TotalStartTime": "2021-05-17T01:26:52",
        "Total": 0.88,
        "Yesterday": 0.001,
        "Today": 0.02,
        "Period": 0,
        "Power": 44,
        "ApparentPower": 69,
        "ReactivePower": 53,
        "Factor": 0.64,
        "Voltage": 128,
        "Current": 0.539
QoS: 0 - Retain: false

So if I’m correct, HA is receiving the correct message from correct topic, right?!

I would in stall MQTT explorer

then you can see if everything is working

my sensor config

- platform: mqtt
  name: "Dryer Energy Yesterday"
  state_topic: "tele/SONOFF-POW2/SENSOR"
  value_template: "{{value_json['ENERGY'].Yesterday }}"
  qos: 1
  unit_of_measurement: "kWh"

look at in the state screen

Tks myle! I was using MQTT.fx to check messages and everything is ok.

Anyway, I just solved it. Turns out that Tasmota LITE have MQTT support, but not Home Assistant integration :confused:
After updragind to ‘full’ tasmota firmware, everything start to show in HA as expected.