I have three Nest protects all show up just great in HA… I just bought a Nest Thermostat e - and it doesnt show up at all… Nothing under services (I have rebooted) and nothing under Nest under Integrations. Does it work with HA currently? Am I doing something wrong?
I have tried both with and without editing config file to have
Found this in the bowels of the nest developer pages…
Note: The Thermostat E with Heat Link for the EU is NOT supported in the Nest API, and will not appear in the JSON returned from the API. All other Thermostat models are supported.
Which i think explains why its not showing up in HA (and presumably Amazon’s Alexa / Echo skills).
Disappointing and short sighted decision from the Nest team. Considering whether to return mine; it worked as an intelligent wireless room thermostat, unfortunately my house isn’t compatible (think walls, long cable runs through lime plaster etc…) with the more invasive and professionally installed Nest 3rd gen solution.
If I was being harsh I’d say the Nest product literature was misleading to the point of disingenuous. Lot’s of carefully worded references to " compatible voice control" systems and “wi-fi connectivity” that, whilst being true, are also vague enough to mislead.
I had hoped that the house wide wi-fi I’d achieved with range extenders could also be used by the Nest, but it uses a proprietary wireless link between the thermostat and the heatlink sensor which struggles in the house. There are no Nest endorsed heat wave range extenders.