New network and router, no connection to raspberry pi

Hello guys,

I got a new router and a new internet provider.
When I plug the raspberry pi in the router I got this error:

What can I do to fix this?
Thanks in advance

Can you use a browser to connect locally?

You mean with homeassistant.local ?

https://homeassistant.local:8123/ or http://homeassistant.local:8123/

I didn’t expect such a quick response. I’m still at the gym right now; I’ll test it when I get home. Using ‘http://homeassistant.local’ without the port at the end definitely didn’t work.

Well, you need the port since HA doesn’t run on 80 or 443 :wink:

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the most common problems when someone ‘gets a new router’ is IP addressing. The tech drops in the box and walks without asking what the old setup was.

Making an assumption your old router was responsible for IP addressing and your wifi access as well. Is that true?

Did you setup the new router to use the old Wifi SSID and password(s)? (if you have any ESP32 failing, this may the cause)
Did you set the Ip address range it was giving out in DHCP to match the old one (maybe it was 192.268.0.x addresses and /24 subnets and your new one is giving out 192.168.1.x /24 addresses? (In this case the HA box can’t connect to the internet due to a bad route)
…Plus Tinker’s questions.

Yes that’s true. New ssid and new dhcp range. I’m home change all settings to the same as the old router, maybe this helps

It complains about SSL issues, so most likely the domain set in the old router is not yet set in the new router.

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