New NWS Forcast component accuracy


I just updated to 0.99 and added your NWS component.
It automatically assigned the correct station, and it looks like it works very nicely.

The only issue I have found is that the actual values seem to be a little off.
Below is a screenshot of the component next to the NWS site.
There seems to be a decent deviation in the values.

Do you know of any reason this would be happening?


Thanks for the report. I see this on my station too today. It looks like the API observations havenā€™t updated since around 10 AM for my station and it is 130 PM now. Maybe it is system wide today?

Right now the library grabs the latest observation. Iā€™m planning on having it only use observations from x prior minutes instead, so it would be blank in that case. This would make it clear what is going on at least.

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Interestingā€¦ if I used the correct format (which I got a response, so I assume I did) I see that the timestamp updated, but the values did not.

These values do not match the website, but do match HA sensor.
That is very interestingā€¦



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You have confirmed that this is an API ā€˜featureā€™ and not a bug in the implementation :slight_smile:.

Is the problem that the observations are not being updated server-side? These are the headers I get back in response:

cache-control: public, max-age=300, s-maxage=300
date: Thu, 19 Sep 2019 19:30:17 GMT
expires: Thu, 19 Sep 2019 19:35:17 GMT
last-modified: Thu, 19 Sep 2019 16:03:00 GMT

last-modified header would seem to indicate the associated resource (observation) hasnā€™t change for 3 hours, which matches the weather data Iā€™m seeing in HA.

That is correct. Iā€™m still 2 hours behind on my local station.

My local station is now getting updates with the usual frequency. Check again today, hopefully it will perform better.

Same here, currently HA is reporting the same observations as the web site.