New pentair integration 2021.4

Mine is the opposite. I have RPM and Watts available but GPM disappeared.

Interesting… wonder what’s going on…

Not even sure this is the right thread anymore now that it is part of core.

I guess I don’t know if this is the right place either, but just in case I wanted to see if someone can point me in the right direction. I can add the integration and enter the IP and port 80 for my Screenlogic and it pulls the right Pentair ID and adds successfully - but I have no devices, entities, etc.

Can anyone tell me the trick to getting it to discover or otherwise populate the devices and entities so I can access the switches and such?

@bsp9493 , @Geoff_Blachstein
The most recent update the the Pentair integration (a few HA releases ago) added an attempt to detect what pump type the user has, and exclude data (RPM or GPM) that they didn’t support (and would be invalid).

Intelliflow VF (variable flow) pumps would no longer create a RPM sensor.
Intelliflow VS (variable speed) pumps would no longer create a GPM sensor.
Intelliflow VSF would still have both.

If you know you have a certain pump but are missing expected data, please open an issue in core so it can be tracked.

Is there anything in the logs about unexpected responses?
If you are more technically inclined, you could try manually installing/running screenlogicpy and pasting the ‘get json’ output here. Unfortunately there no other way to debug the data the api is getting from the controller currently.

Thank you for the explanation…

where would I request that they still create BOTH sensors (GPM AND RPM) regardless of pump style.

My VF pumps are capable of running in both modes - that’s why I bought them:)

Better yet, can I create my own sensor for the one that’s no longer reported?

Please open an issue here: as the filtering is happening in HA.

If there’s valid RPM data for the VF, then we should restore it.

Thanks for responding. I believe the issue is that it simply can’t get the info it is calling for because my Pentair is in a separate VLAN from HA for security reasons. I kinda consider Pentair, printers, and cheap IOT devices to be in the same category of “very high risk”.

FWIW, I can see the Pentair Screenlogic in the app as a local instance after using a UDP relay to bridge UDP 1444 requests, but I cannot get full access as a Local item in the app unless I jump on that other VLAN with my phone. On my usual VLAN it does access it over there just fine as a remote device.

Any chance this integration will ever be able to accomodate calling the instance via the remote access API to allow for these security considerations?

FYI, UDP on port 1444 is only used to discover gateways on the network. All other traffic is TCP on port 80. Might need a routing rule to allow TCP 80 traffic from connections initiated from the LAN HA is on?

Truthfully, it’s unlikely the api or HA integration will ever support remote login. I’m just not interested in dealing with username/password information.

Yeah, I allow 80/443, 500, and the high range ports that SL uses, but it still hasn’t worked. It would take a packet capture for me to see if there’s any hope of it working.

I totally understand not wanting to deal with the remote approach. If only these pool equipment and similar companies would recognize that for the amount of money we spend on these systems they shouldn’t act like security is one of their lowest priorities.

Hi. I tried upgrading to 2021.12.3, and the pentair intgration mostly worked, but for some reason my lights were no longer an entity, and the SCG status and parameters stopped showing any data.

Have folks tried an upgrade successfully? any idea as to what the cause is? I am running 2021.10.7 now and its working just fine.

I am having issues getting the pool temperature sensor setup with a template sensor. Any help with some instructions would be great.

this is what i have: but getting an unknown temp reading from the sensor, even though the temp is displayed in the thermostat card.

  - platform: template
        value_template: >-
          {{ states.climate.pentair_XX_XX_XX_pool_heat.current_temperature }}`

You can’t access attributes directly from the state object. You’re missing .attributes before current_temperature.

{{ states.climate.pentair_XX_XX_XX_pool_heat.attributes.current_temperature }}

Also the backtick at the end of the template looks sus.

Regardless, HA recommends using state_attr instead of accessing the state directly.
My full template sensor for reference:

  - platform: template
        unit_of_measurement: '°F'
        friendly_name: Pool Temperature
        value_template: '{{ state_attr("climate.pentair_xx_xx_xx_pool_heat", "current_temperature") }}'

Thanks… that worked

@dieselRabbit Can we collaborate on a ScreenLogic project? Maybe I can reach out over email?



Feel free to DM me.

Thanks for all your work on this integration.
Two questions:

  1. Is there a possibility to set GPM / RPM from HA? I can set it in the app.
  2. It seems the number.pentair_spa_scg_level entity is restricted from 0%-20%. Pentair allows 0%-100%. I did not find a way to edit the min/max values for the entity unfortunately.

One more question: Can I somehow get the current color mode of the lights? I know I can set it via service but I also want to query the state (for conditional templates)

I copied and imported your node-red, added a button with the following: show_name: true
show_icon: true
type: button
action: toggle
entity: input_select.pool_colors

when I click the button I get error: Failed to call service Input_select/turn_off. Service not found.
Not sure if this was needed, but I added the following to my YAML:
name: Pool Colors

  • Party
  • Blue

Any help would be appreciated, thanks

I don’t think you can use a button card with an input select. I tried your code and I get the same error. I have mine setup in an entity card so it shows the dropdown list of all the colors, including the all_on and all_off options so it can be turned on and off.

type: entities
   - entity: input_select.pool_colors
title: Pool Features
show_header_toggle: false
state_color: true
  1. Configuration of pump speeds is not supported.
  2. For anyone else interested in this question, you can follow the discussion in the issue @sarahmva created here: Pentair ScreenLogic integration: Spa Salt Cell Level can only be set 0%-20%, should be 0%-100% · Issue #72233 · home-assistant/core · GitHub (TY for the report!)
  3. Unfortunately current light color information is not stored (even on the pool controller) or queryable. There is an exploration of some future work required to receive updates from the controller when a color mode is set, but the updates are not the live color (ie. as it cycles through colors in a “party” mode) so I’m doubtful that will ever translate to a full color light representation in HA.