New Request: ROTH Touchline - Underfloor Heating System

Now i got 7 sensors, but i am running hassio, do you know a fix?

Hi @pilehave did you forked the touchline project, so we can update in next realese of hassio?

Just installed this component.

A few things I’ve encountered.
Adding names to each thermostat in the app duplicates them in hass. I suddently get
bathroom, bathroom_2, bedroom, bedroom_2 and so on.

I’m also missing a few thermostats. I have two units for each floor and the thermostats are mixed, should probably be prefixed with unit id, name or whatever.

Did you write your thermostat names with “æøå” ?

Nope, no special characters.

Try name all the termostat first, and delete info in conf.yaml and then retry, is it still duplicate?

I got mine fixed after naming them properly.

Would you be able to port this to homebridge?

Really late reply here, been too busy :confused:

I tried again tonight but i still get duplicates of the one controller, they are true duplicates as in all the values are the same, second is suffixed with _2. I have two controllers, they are not connected to each other so I guess they are both “master”. Could this be causing the issue?

Got it figured out now. Units have to be master/slave because of the way this implementation works.

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I am pretty sure its working in homebridge, did you manage to figure it out?

My configutation is not working anymore.
Is it becausr it is old or is it just local at my house?

Hi’ @ledyr-sthlm

Just redid my Roth Touchline integration today. I had serious issues, but they were not related to the HA integration (even if I was convinced they were)
I’ve listed my step by step solution here

Could someone please share @pilehave latest package with config flow end unique entity ID’s in HA.

The old link fra November 2022 in the Git issue is no longer valid.

Thank you in advance :slightly_smiling_face:

Would love to have this running in Homebridge. :medal_sports:

I’ve no knowledge about Homebridge at all. But can’t you use the Homebridge HA integration in order to expose your HA sensors/entities to Homebridge ?