New Roborock S5 Max Vacuum Cleaner

Question, for using the extractor tool successfully does it matter with which app you registered the device, the Roborock or Miio app?

Don’t know but I can vouch for the Xiaomi app. Not tried with Roborock.

I am planning to get a S5 Max. Question, so for the integration with HA, I will have to register with mihome app and extract the token, right? does the integration have all the function that app has, like the realtime map and ad hoc spot clean etc?

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very detailed and useful. thanks!

It applies to the S5 Max as well. I just configured it, very happy with the integration and cards. Finding the room numbers is not well documented, but just trial and error sending the vacuum to different room numbers works fine.

Following the youtube and got the cards up. I noticed the vacuum image is not showing up in the first card. the line is:

image: /local/custom/folder/background.png

where is the png file supposed to be located? I can’t find it.

for the card GitHub - PiotrMachowski/lovelace-xiaomi-vacuum-map-card: This card enables you to specify a target or start a zoned cleanup using live or static map, just like in Xiaomi Home app. Additionally you can define a list of zones and choose the ones to be cleaned., I don’t understand where the zone info is coming from.

For the zones; you need to find the zone coordinates. The easiest way: in the Lovelace card configuration, put the option ‘debug: true’. Reload (& perhaps refresh) your Lovelace view. Now select the ‘clean a zone’ option and draw your zone on the map. When you click start, it displays the zone coordinates. This set of coordinates can be used in an automation. Remember to remove the debug option from the card configuration.

I don’t know about the image issue, I’m not using an image.

Edit: I see now, you probably mean the predefined zones. Seems you need to put the zone coordinates in the card configuration under ‘zones:’.