New router, no wifi

Hi all. My old router died and I’ve set up a new one. The new network retains the old SSID, but the password has changed. The new router (D-link DSL-3890) has restrictions on password complexity. Additionally, given the old router is no longer accessible, I can’t access or change any of the old details.

I set a static IP for my Home Assistant and I can see it coming up in my router configuration page. I can access HA on my phone and laptop at the old static IP address.

I have HA Green and it’s currently connected to the router with an ethernet cable, but not via WIFI.

I can use Advanced SSH to run the following commands and get the below results:

➜ nmcli radio:
Warning: nmcli (1.44.2) and NetworkManager (1.40.18) versions don’t match. Restarting NetworkManager is advised.
missing enabled missing enabled

➜ nmcli device wifi rescan
Warning: nmcli (1.44.2) and NetworkManager (1.40.18) versions don’t match. Restarting NetworkManager is advised.
Error: No Wi-Fi device found.

➜ nmcli device wifi connect “SSID” password “MY_NEW_PASSWORD”
Warning: nmcli (1.44.2) and NetworkManager (1.40.18) versions don’t match. Restarting NetworkManager is advised.
Error: No Wi-Fi device found.

➜ ~ [device]
zsh: no matches found: [device]

➜ nmcli con show
Warning: nmcli (1.44.2) and NetworkManager (1.40.18) versions don’t match. Restarting NetworkManager is advised.
Supervisor end0 1786a165-97d8-337a-bc15-107d072f612a ethernet end0

Can anyone help me reconnect my HA green to wifi?

Many thanks in advance

If you are connected by Ethernet why would want to downgrade to Wifi? I take it you don’t want to keep the Green next to the router?

Hi sparkydave, thanks for the reply. Maybe I’m showing how basic my knowledge is, but I thought I had to set up the HA on the new network? The router and the HA green stay in the same spot, so Ethernet is fine if that’s all I need.

As it stands, nothing much is working as it did before.

Any clue how to restart NetworkManager as these error messages suggest?

For example—if I try to install a Home Assistant Core update, I get the following message:

Failed to call service update/install. Error updating Home Assistant Core ‘HomeAssistantCore.update’ blocked from execution, no host internet connection

Update: I fixed this issue by updating my gateway address in system > network > configure network interfaces.

I then updated any wifi connected devices with the new password and all seems to be running seamlessly again.

The HA green remains connected by ethernet only but so long as it works, I’m happy.

Many thanks! Your comment tipped me off to the real issue here