New Router Now Connection Refused


net reload

net update

That set it to ready, but still can’t access. This is a horrid issue isn’t it? IP tables? Is that relevant?

  • edit - this is my last comment for the day it seems I’ve been limited :frowning:

I’m totally stumped though - thanks for trying!

I’m an idiot. I wish I could find the previous IP but it’s not anywhere! Backups, nothing!

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depend on, in a “default” setup no, if you have local dns /reverse proxy etc, hmmm i guess you dont, then you wouldt have wiped your old Router :wink: or ?

You say the 4th octet is different in the new router, If that’s the case the gateway would have changed. Did you set the RPi gateway statically?
Why not just change the routers address to match the old? ie If old was, and you say first 3 octets are the same, so probably, change it to And reboot everything.

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life sucks :slight_smile: even when we’re to blame

PS: Because your new, happens to all, it’s a standard limited, to avoid spammer, you’ll be on a fresh( unlimited ) soon again

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True, but it wont “spam” the log file as much, because integration etc are not loaded ( that is if it really started in safe-mode), then you would have time to i.e edit yaml, and check the log-file, and via CLI disable as much i.e integrations etc you can. ( as well “extra” you load from config.yaml )

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if you accessed it by the ip number, you might have it in your browser cache, or you mobile app
, or some old logfiles

I never access my HA by other than the IP, i never use host/domain name, so it’s “bookmarked” in all my Browsers etc

PS: IF you are lucky you can find it in (/config) /homeassitant/ .storage , in the first file “auth”, it stores sessions , so there can be entries month back LOL Even years back geee !

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I’m back! Thanks all for your help/input, really appreciated! I think I’ve narrowed it down to an issue with the port forwarding not working correctly, and the internal IP seems to reject connection. Somehow I need to stop Duck DNS and I think I can get in! Any tips on doing that from CLI?

Never tried, could be “cumbersome” or easy
ha addons -h
there you can disable an add-on

PS: whether taht per automatic, will “revert” to http, i don’t know, othervice you have to find the SSL setting an disable SSL

You’re more responsive than most paid support :joy: Thanks for this! I did take out SSL details from config.yaml, but it didn’t do anything. I’ve started a new instance to play with so no harm in experimenting a bit here. My concern is that it probably has watchdog and will just restart once I kill it off

If you removed SSL from config.yaml, and in “addons” disabled DUCK DNS, watchdog wouldn’t have any reasons to restart neither , unless you have some other “tweaks” you havent “revealed” yet.
Or simply remove DUCK DNS addon completely

I’m all for uninstalling Duck DNS, but I don’t know how to do that in CLI. Any tips?

Told you :wink:
addons -h

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Before you try to uninstall DuckDNS, try this:
Instead of using http:// to connect to your internal IP, use https://
Your browser will throw a warning, but you should be able to force through by clicking on Advanced and accepting the risk. See below for my screenshots from chrome.

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This was it! I was 99% sure I had done this, but I thought “I’ll give it a go”, I’d seen this idea elsewhere…Legend, thanks for this! I’m in!

I have learned a lesson this weekend

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Cool. Next step - save that address in a bookmark for next time :wink:

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