"New" section in Components

Would it be possible to add a “New” section to the Components area of the website (https://home-assistant.io/components/)? Would make it easier to find all the new things added in each update without referring back to the blog post.

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Would be possible if a person is volunteering to maintain those stuff.

maybe a list which contains the component and in which release it is added?
i dont know if a DB is at the backend or if it would be possible to make a DB at the backend, but that would make maintaining easy (i think)

The website is jekyll-based thus no database. We have a tag called ha_release which could be used.

i tried it and in google this:

release 0.26 “0.26” site:https://home-assistant.io/components/

search gibt all 0.26 releases. (or at least i think its all)

i dont know if a google search option at the top of the page is possible, but then with 1 field such a list could be there.
till then can everyone seach like this themselves. :wink:

Very Cool! That works perfectly for what I wanted!

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call me dr. google :wink:

I’m going to forward all google searches straight to your email from now on :slight_smile:

better send the requests for what and how to search :wink:

It seems sometimes documentation gets changed on a component sheet and having a way to sort by changed would be great. But reading above comments I suppose that’s not an option?

There is an open issue for Hacktoberfest. So far, nobody started to work on it.

Ask and ye shall receive.