New sensor / integration without restart?

Hello everyone,

while I pointlessly used to always restart Home Assistant after adding automations, scripts, etc., I eventually realized I could do this via settings > server > reload automations (or similar, my options are in German).

Is there something similar for new integrations or sensors one added via .yaml file? For example, I just added

  - platform: manual
    name: TryMe
    code: 6677
    code_arm_required: true

I can test whether this is valid via test configuration. It seems to be. Is there some way to load this without restarting Home Assistant that I have missed?

When testing new things, I usually go with the bare minimum (seen in the example above), then, when it works, fine-tune my configuration (in this case, add things such as arming_time, delay_time, etc.). This currently requires me to restart Home Assistant multiple times.

This isn’t a big deal. I have ansible on my home server and set an alias so that I just run hass docker restart hass, which will restart the docker container on the remote server. It works fine and only takes about a minute. However, doing this multiple times in a row is still somewhat “annoying”. I know, it is a minor thing, but perhaps there is a solution for this and I’d hate to go through this if there wasn’t a need for it.

To my understand, it ought to be possible, as automations and scripts can be reloaded without any issues without the need for restarting Home Assistant, so I just assume that it might work for other things as well…?

Thank you for your help.


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