New server control panel?

I read in the 0.97 Hassio update changes, that there is supposedly a new server control panel which splits out the core config options to this new panel.

Where is it? Do I need to do something to enable it?

I’m currently trying to troubleshoot an existing automation that the new update is unhappy with, and it’s a bit of a pain to have to reboot my PI to check things out…

Go to your profile, enable Advanced mode, and you will see it.

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I already checked that and it was already enabled. Any other ideas?

Do you have config: in your configuration.yaml?

BTW, you can always restart HA in the services tool.

Configuration -> Server Control just under General

Do you see the configuration menu on his screenshot?

:flushed: I used to… I disabled that because I thought it may disable the new panel… It works now. Thanks!

I don’t know know why I didn’t think of the services tool… :roll_eyes: Thanks again!

Thanks, but I didn’t even have the configuration menu. Brain fart on my part…

No I don’t, but I also don’t see User or Notifications so it could have been cropped out

I did crop the notifications and user out because it wasn’t relevant. I did leave the lines on the GUI there in hopes that would indicate I hadn’t cropped anything below Developer Tools in that panel.

Sorry for the confusion.