[NEW] Solvis Heating Devices Integraion

Hi everyone,
I stumbled across few threads, that have a Solvis Ben or Solvis Max (central heating). I now added an integration for the newer SC3 controll. If you can please test and report. Let me know, what you think.

LarsK1/hass_solvis_control: Solvis Control Integration for HomeAssistant (github.com)

Thanks for your feedback!

since the Modbus integration doesn’t delivery to much data, I’m currently trying to reverse-engineer the SolvisPortal, which is based on GraphQL…

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Hi Lars,

Thx for this integration. Any luck on reverse engineering part of the solvis website?

sorry for the late reply. Yes I do have a working code, but didn’t had time to create a home assistent plugin yet.

That sounds amazing, thank you for your time, you invested in that!
I am also highly interested in the portal part! If you don’t have time to bake it into a plugin, can you maybe at least push it to GitHub?
I tried to make sense of the portal, but my knowledge was simply too small and I gave up due to a lack of time.