New Sonoff Zigbee with PIR sensor help

I bought the Sonoff, flashed it with Tasmota and included in HA. I also bought the Zigbee buttons, sensors and door windows.
I have an issue with the sensor, I am not sure if it can be solved. It takes over 1 minute to trigger again, so in my hallway if I enter and leave a room in less than a minute, the light won’t switch on for another minute.
Any way to reduce the triggered time in HA or Node Red, given it is a sensor. I tried to change the state to off when it is triggered, but no luck.

Most Zigbee motion sensors have a time-out before they detect motion again. The aqara human body sensors have a 2 minutes time-out, the Ikea ones a 3 minute time-out. I don’t think you can do much about it.
My Sonoff motion sensors are ordered, but according to banggood it will take 2 months before they are here.

The time-out seems to be around 2 minutes, it would be a shame not to be able to do something about it :frowning:
I ordered directly from Itead and only took 3 weeks :slight_smile:

I have the same problem with my sonoff zigbee pir sensors but also appears that once triggered and motion continues the switch/light will turn off and will not trigger a new motion until motion has stopped and the pir timeout has been reached

that´s correct, but 1mn is way too long for a house use