New spin on a Skyconnect

This is a surgeons of a new NabuCasa Zigbee controller variation.
Many of us have the problem of multiple locations.
To integrate it together in one HA platform is not easy.
You have to either be able to use some kind of vpn and without static ip you have to have a 3d party solution for that or you have to put your trust in a company cloud and what we seen with Tuya the latest days where accounts being disabled and is impossible to reconnect, this is not a nice situation.

What I propose is a NabuCasa hubb that has SkyConnect, wifi and maybe Bluetooth, 433, Zwave… (concentrated through matter maybe) built in and is hard coded to connect through the NabuCasa cloud or directly over ethernet to a HA server.
It can be used to run a 2nd location over the internet or to create multiple device networks for separate buildings or floors on the same lan or to be used as your main hubb that can be placed more strategic then to be attached to the server that could well be in the far corner of the basement, where you happen to have your fiber connection and servers.

Tnx for the space.

Check the 2024.2 release for help with the Tuya Cloud.

As for the rest of what you ask for I don’t have any help for you there. You seem to be describing what many people use to host Home Assistant. an old PC with a bunch of dongles (mine has 433, bluetooth, 2 zigbee networks, zwave. skyconnect, wifi) and HA running in it, but I’m not quite sure.
I know HA yellow did not have both zigbee and zwave radios built in because of FCC problems and the fact that between those 2 radios and the wifi/bluetooth radio, there was interference preventing proper function. Adding more things in the same box is not likely to work.