New Switch class [Power Strip] with Attached Devices & Entities - Service Call to Enable/Disable

[Feature Request]
New Switch type [Power Strip] with Associated Child Devices Hierarchy.
For IoT Power Sockets with multiple attached IoT Devices.
Uses Service Calls to Enable/Disable Devices & Entities.

Power Strip - Automation on Switch Change: Toggles Disable/Re-Enable all Associated Devices & Integrations

  • Minimise Service calls to Devices & Integrations
  • Stops Error Logging when can’t detect device & entity States

? Power Strip could re-use Show as/Device Class “Outlet” & become Parent to Associated Devices

Working Case:
Wall socket with IoT WiFi Power Plug leading to 4 way Power Strip
with attached IoT WiFi Devices: [ Light, Dyson fan, TV ]
with their many associated Device Entites & Services

When Scoket is powered off - these 3 devices are turned off & their entity states show “unavailable”
but system still wastes scans periodically & results in many errors logged

What if a Power Strip Switch state change could ?

  • Power Off: All associated Devices are set to Disable & their Entities set to unknown

  • Power On: All associated Devices are set to re-Enable & scanned
    resulting in entities updated, Device Icons on Dashboard updated & ready for use.

  • No constant service requests for updates resulting in error state

  • Fewer Error log entries & entity updates (smaller home-assistant.db )

  • Less Power usage

  • Happier healthy & efficient System