New template defaults in 2021.11

I may have missed it in the breaking changes but it seems they sneaked in another requirement to include deafault for | int.

(Full disclosure… I knew it was coming as I had heard about in the forum)

But anyway, I’m getting the warning:

Template warning: 'int' got invalid input 'unavailable' when rendering template '{% set sensor_used = states('sensor.light_level_sensor_being_used') %} {% set light_level_value = states('sensor.' + sensor_used) | int %} {% set sensor_threshold = states('input_number.hall_' + sensor_used +'_sensor_threshold') | int %} {{ light_level_value <= sensor_threshold }}' but no default was specified. Currently 'int' will return '0', however this template will fail to render in Home Assistant core 2022.1

But I would have thought that with my availability it should bnever even evaluate the state template?
What have I missed or done wrong?

      - name: Dark In The Dining Room
        state: >
          {% set sensor_used = states('sensor.light_level_sensor_being_used') %}
          {% set light_level_value = states('sensor.' + sensor_used) | int %}
          {% set sensor_threshold = states('input_number.dining_room_' + sensor_used +'_sensor_threshold') | int %}

          {{ light_level_value <= sensor_threshold }}
        availability: >
          {{ states('sensor.light_level_sensor_being_used') not in ['unknown','unavailable'] }}
        icon: >

That’s coming with 2021.12. Atm it resolves both regardless of the availability

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Ok, it isn’t coming until 2021.12, but what can we do now to fix the issue before that release causes “this template will fail to render in Home Assistant core 2022.1”?

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You don’t have to do anything if you’re using the availability template.