New Thermostat card based on Lovelace Style

Wow! looks fantastic. Last days I thinking I need something like this for my google nest cast. I can’t wait to test it.
One small suggestion, maybe you can make an option for conditional background depending of cooling/ off/ heating state. Just a suggestion I will start using aniway when is ready for sharing because in my opinion this looks much better like any another one available here. Thanks for your work and please share this.

Great suggestion - I was thinking the same thing actually. It’s on this list of things to do lol. Right now I’m trying to figure out how to get my Github Repository validated by HACS. Do you or @kksligh know how I can do that?

Here is my repo is you want to take a look.

Also with install - do you only know how to install via HACS or are you familiar with manual installs?

I can do a custom install. HACS certainly makes it easier. I’ve never submitted anything but I’d imagine there’s some documentation. I’ll do some searching

Good info here:

i see now it would only work with a specific honeywell thermostat. Adding it for my Evohome entities, it can only render a current temperature.
Any chance it can be more generic?

Yes - I think the current version might work with errors. Can you send me a screen shot of your thermostat’s state so I can what variables are available?

Also you can try installing and see what happens:

Nice man thanks :pray:. I got up a working version with Hacs finally. If you visit my page again hopefully you can follow install instructions without issue. Then let me know how it all goes / if you encounter any issues, bugs etc

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i did try… could not control anything, hence the notice

	hvac_modes: off, heat
min_temp: 5
max_temp: 21
preset_modes: none, temporary, permanent
current_temperature: 16.7
temperature: 12
preset_mode: none
  this_sp_from: '2022-11-13T17:30:00+01:00'
  this_sp_temp: 12
  next_sp_from: '2022-11-14T08:40:00+01:00'
  next_sp_temp: 15
zone_id: '3319684'
active_faults: []
  target_heat_temperature: 12
  setpoint_mode: FollowSchedule
  temperature: 16.5
  is_available: true

friendly_name: Tuinkamer
supported_features: 17

Ok thanks for doing that. Looks like display should work okay but service calls might be different.

Can you screen shot would services are available or is there somewhere I can look it up. I hate to keep bugging you lol.

What exactly happened when you installed and loaded it up?

indeed. It displayed current temp. No errors, but also no buttons :slight_smile:

this helps?

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Hi, thanks for sharing this and sorry for late feedback. First time when I see your pictures from this thermostat I don’t see anything about Honeywell so I was happy thinking a new custom version of generic thermostat will be released. But this one don’t help me because I have a salus thermostat and same like checking12 I installed and I can’t do nothing just see the temperature. I installed from hacs vary easily with no any errors but sorry is unusable for me. Anyway looks fantastic and I am sorry I can’t use. Maybe in the future you release a generic version. Thanks

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Thanks for the feedback - I’ll look into how to make it more generic.

Yea this helps a lot. It sounds like the service calls are different. If it’s ok with you I’ll write down what I think the service call will be for certain basic functions and then you could test them out for me and make sure they work?

of course… let me have it

yes of course thanks

This card looks really cool but after HACS install I can see the card but it does not do anything. I click on the card and nothing pops up. I can not adjust the set temp. I did have it popup in the preview window and since my thermostats do not have FAN it showed an error. once the card was popped up in the preview I could not close the card. Just a few things I’ve noticed based on my setup. Hopes this helps to better configure the card.

anyone else using a custom lovelace theme that interferes with the theme of this card?

Thanks for pictures of the mushroom one, I didn’t realize you could add the temperature controls to it! Thought you had to dive into it for that control.

@spencersmb Dude the look of this card is awesome! Oh, how I would love one that works with other climate controllers! I didn’t see anything about Honeywell until I found the git page and Sadly I’m stuck with Nest.

Happy to jump in here too. Finding its not reporting whether its Heating/Off/Following Schedule(Auto) for example

Any idea if this will work with other thermostats? It looks awesome