New Thermostat card preset icons

I’m unsure how to change the icons for the preset_modes when adding features to the new thermostat cards. As you can see from the screenshot, two of the presets (off and Prog1) show as dots only rather than a specific icon. Is this something one can change?


It’s not possible for now but integration will be able to provide icons for custom presets in a future release. It wasn’t ready for this release.
As a quick fix, you can use the dropdown style for now.


Paul - now that it’s released - where do we find the info on implementation?


If there is documentation for the icons, will somebody please give me a link I’ve been searching. Haven’t found anything yet. Thanks for the help.

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2024.2: More voice, more icons, more integrations, more… everything! - Home Assistant (

@Jorggs Do you want to unmark this as solved until we know how to implement it?

@piitaya Any pointers or is this the extent of what will be provided?
Climate Entity | Home Assistant Developer Docs (

Hi Paul, any updates on ability to change/add icons now, or at least ability to have title for dropdown (as there are multiple “auto” possibilities with two dropdowns). Icon mode with no icons results in empty bullets!

At least this view gives heading/context as to what each selection is for. Maybe this is something I need to accomplish via card_mod?

Hi :wave: What integration are you using for your thermostat. It’s up to the integration to add icons for presets and fan modes.


I too am experiencing this issue.

I currently us a Honeywell T6 via the ZWaveJS integration. Custom icons (and possibly labels) for fan modes and presets would be awesome.

I would love to know as well I am am facing the same issue.

I am using the Daikin AC intergeration


I also would like to know how I can use custom icons for preset modes or custom fan modes.

I’m using esphome climate.

Thank you in advance!

any way to get this working?


I just made a FR for that.

It appears this has gone stale.

Has anyone figured this out?

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