New thermostat card

I think some of the posts here missed the point above. The OP isn’t asking for a change, but to reverse one which was made, apparently arbitrarily and without due regard to usability.

I agree that making the UI work effectively on different screens is a worthy goal. But I have to ask myself: Why were the current temperature and set temperature reversed in the first place? Did anyone ask for that? Was there any logic to it? Or was it just a design change for change’s sake?

With things like this it would be better to get some actual user input before radically changing the design. A stylish UI is a wonderful thing, but not at the expense of functionality, features or usability.


According to the youtube release party discussion there was quite a bit of thought put into making it fit in narrow column widths. So I would say yes, quite a bit of thought was put into it.


Right. Great idea, I totally understand making it fit better!

But what about swapping the set temperature and actual temperature? That’s what a lot of users here are questioning. It would seem that if anyone put a bit of thought into that idea, it would have been discarded.

Apparently the users in the consultation group didn’t mind it.

Does anyone know how to remove the + and - keys with card-mod?
If I use this code, it works on the app, it works in Chrome, but on Edge they remain visible.

.buttons { 
visibility: hidden; 

I really like the new thermostat card overall, but very strongly dislike that set and actual temps are switched around. It’s great otherwise, and I like it better than the custom cards available in HACS.


My thermostat is controlled by appdaemon schedules, automations, and sensor data. I don’t care to have the lower and upper set limits the main point of attention when I glance at the dashboard. I already know what I have programmed for schedules and logic. It also looks weird to have both temps in the center like that, due to the fact that it is in auto mode year-round.

Having the actual temp the main point of attention also aligns with my physical thermostat behavior. It should definitely at least be an option to swap them, and arguably also the default behavior. In the United States at least, thermostats generally all seem to display the actual temp most prominently. It was also the default in Home Assistant before the update.

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I have the thermostat card on my wall display. I want to be able to quickly see what the temperature is from a few feet away.

If I’m adjusting the temperature I will be at the display, so those numbers should be smaller.


My user case is much like @sholdee and I echo his sentiments and add that I know just enough about programming to sincerely appreciate the time and effort that you all put into making HA what it is today. :star_struck:

I have 6 thermostats controlling 2 electric heat pumps and 4 electric resistance heaters within 3 separate buildings. Until now, it has been so easy to glance at the current temperatures and then make any adjustments to the set point if needed.

My main, Home Assistant control device is an iPhone 12 Mini and I am using the 2 place horizonal grid for the 4 resistance heaters. The current temperature is now unreadable without putting on my eyeglasses, which takes time and is very inconvenient in some situations. When I add the mode features, the buttons also don’t scale very well, in regards to the overall size of the thermostat control.

The full size controls for my heat pumps are at a very nice scale. I love the large sliders and the +/- buttons but… PLEASE PUT THE CURRENT TEMP BACK AT CENTER STAGE!!

No… seriously… PLEASE!!! :joy:


While the change did catch me off guard, the new design is almost exactly like the Nest thermostat. On that thermostat the actual temp is small and only show if it’s not the same as the target temp.

This all feels quite subjective and had it not been one way initially before switching I wonder if anyone would notice.

My issue with the new card is when I’m scrolling down through all the thermostat cards when I’m using my phone I accidentally change the temperature on a few of them since the area where it responds is so close to the edge of the screen. Any suggestions?

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This is realy, realy annoying (see below) and i simply can’t use it anymore. Does anybody know how to at least set the font size of the different values/texts in the card with card-mod?



Can you wait until the 2024.1 release?

It will probably be changed in that.



Thank you so much :smiling_face_with_tear:

Yes and no. It is like that when you setup the temperature, but Nest has the farsight setting where you can choose what to display when you are not messing with it. I have mine displaying the current temperature. That is all we are asking for, an option to choose

My dashboard UI has slowed down considerably with these last updates. My javascript console is filled with hundreds of errors like the following when the new thermostat is present.

Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Failed to execute 'remove' on 'DOMTokenList': The token provided must not be empty.
    at https://homeassistant.mydomain/frontend_latest/app.otA1ToECPHw.js:2:136112
    at Set.forEach (<anonymous>)
    at o.update (https://homeassistant.mydomain/frontend_latest/app.otA1ToECPHw.js:2:136088)
    at o._$AS (https://homeassistant.mydomain/frontend_latest/app.otA1ToECPHw.js:2:125323)
    at O (https://homeassistant.mydomain/frontend_latest/app.otA1ToECPHw.js:2:128621)
    at V._$AI (https://homeassistant.mydomain/frontend_latest/app.otA1ToECPHw.js:2:131678)
    at I.v (https://homeassistant.mydomain/frontend_latest/app.otA1ToECPHw.js:2:129325)
    at R.g (https://homeassistant.mydomain/frontend_latest/app.otA1ToECPHw.js:2:130521)
    at R._$AI (https://homeassistant.mydomain/frontend_latest/app.otA1ToECPHw.js:2:130034)
    at Z (https://homeassistant.mydomain/frontend_latest/app.otA1ToECPHw.js:2:133396)
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How many of those had more than one thermostat?

Nest has the farsight setting where you can choose what to display when you are not messing with it.

Interesting, I have had the 1st, 2nd, and E thermostats and the Farsight feature is only on Gen 3. So I didn’t know that. Thanks for the knowledge.

No idea, I wasn’t on it.

For my use case I have template thermostats which then use scripts to control the actual AC behind the scenes. The two main uses for the summary card view are to view current temperature and to turn on/off the thermostat (auto mode).

Having an option to remove the numeric target temperatures and the plus/minus buttons would make it a lot cleaner for the summary dash.

Better in 2024.1.0 release - But text size is still far to big.

Is there any way i can change the text size(s) in the thermostat card / code editor?

