New to HA and Zigbee questions: ZBT-1 or Sonoff dongle? ZHA or zigbee2mqtt?

I’m new to everything. I just got a HA Green. I own Zigbee light bulbs and remotes (mainly from IKEA). I believe I will want a Zigbee dongle for the Green? I bought a ZBT-1. I see this runs ZHA out of the box but I am now reading I might want to use zigbee2mqtt instead? Can anyone advise?

Can the ZBT-1 run zigbee2mqtt reliably or do I want a Sonoff dongle?

I also just read there is a hardware recall with the ZBT-1. Have I made a terrible mistake?

This is one of the switches I have. I don’t know if it supports ZHA or not.

Thank you