New to HA, coming from an existing HomeSeer setup with almost all Insteon devices and fighting light flickers

Hello Everyone, My house was built with all insteon dimmer switches, on off outlets, and a few keypads and fanlincs managed through a Homeseer controller and Insteon PLM module. All LED can lights and tube lights, no fluorescents or ballasts. Things dim as they should but the issue is present when lights are NOT dimmed at all. I see this flickering across ALL circuits that have the insteon dimmer switches. My garage is the only location with an insteon on off switch(2477S) and I do not see the flicking on those lights. I’ve now got a HA green box connected to the PLM module and it can see most of my Insteon devices, but I “feel” like the flickering has gotten worse.

If i unplug the PLM module, the flickering goes away but obviously i lose all insteon control/visibility through HA. I’ve moved the HA Green box and PLM module to multiple locations in my house on different circuits and still have flickers. Swapped USB cable for PLM multiple times. I’ve tried turning breakers off individually to isolate the issue to just one circuit but havent had any luck there. All of the on/off switches are essentially unmanaged as I never brought them into homeseer.

I’m really lost as to the best way forward, but i really want to try and end the flickers.

Should I start replacing the 2477D dimmers with 2477S on off switches?
Should I start replacing the 2477D dimmers with something else entirely? Most are two way, but I have a couple 3 way dimmers.
Maybe try a new PLM module? This would involve adding everything back and at that point, why not go with a different brand that is not susceptible to this issue?

After this long time flickering issue, I’m not opposed to trying a new brand/system for switches if there is something better/more reliable. From what I’ve read this is either an issue with the actual LED lights not being compatible with the dimmer switches, OR its due to insteon traffic on the network. Since I am seeing this on All lights connected to insteon dimmers I think this is the latter traffic related and not simply an issue of the wrong type of lights.

I appreciate any insight that can be shared, and I’m open to all advice on the best way to move forward. Thanks!

So I’ve ordered a 6 pack of Phillips no flicker LED canlights AND the blue/yellow flicker/glow eliminators but I’m not very confident either will help eliminate the flickering since I’m seeing this on essentially every circuit of my house that has lights; this is not dimming induced flicker I did read one thread where they installed one of the blue/yellow resistors behind a can light and it solved all of the blinking on that entire circuit. I’ve got a combination LED bulbs, LED canlights, and LED tubelights and when the lightening bolt strikes everything blinks once or twice for a split second; could be 15 minutes, 30 minutes or an hour before I notice the next blinks. It’ll be at least a week before these arrive but I’ll update things here once I have a result.

This is the one I am very surprised to see (I assume you mean unplug the PLM from its power socket). If you have tried this experiment multiple times and you get very consistent behavior, then I’m wondering about which PLM are you using?
If you are using a 2143U, it is suppose to be dual band (RF and Power), so maybe?? plug it into a UPS that is in RF range to another RF capable Insteon device just to see what happens. The UPS should filter out any powerline signals coming out of the PLM.

The blinking stops as soon as the PLM is either unplugged from the wall, OR if the USB cable is removed but the PLM left in the AC outlet. I’ve had my PLM module for a good handful of years now, but I do think its a 2143U but will confirm that. Since essentially every outlet in my house is a dual band insteon there should be no coverage gaps anywhere…Interesting thought, I’ll try moving the PLM to my rack UPS this evening.

PLM is model 2413U Revision 2.3 4516

Plugging the PLM into the UPS appears to make no change in the random flickers or blinks…Its as if any system managing the Insteon devices causes the issue to appear. I saw the flickers with HS3 and the same when connected to my HA Green box. I’m standing in the kitchen now and just saw the flicker across at least 3 circuits with 3 different types of LED lights and they are all at max brightness. Unplug the usb cable from the PLM and the random blinks stop, and this is how I leave things normally. It allows all of my 3 way lights to work as they should, I just cant add any automations through HA.

I’ve been working through LED lighting flicker issues since 2018. Unfortunately LED lighting flickers during Insteon PLM/HUB communication is common. Sometimes different LED lighting brands and dummy load devices can help but may not be 100% effective.