New to HA , need help setting up

Hello all. I’m new to Home Assistant and migrating from and Indigo / Insteon. I’ve got Home Assistant setup on a virtual machine on my Mac Pro. Since it’s a virtual machine it’s making things confusing for me to connect to the USB sticks for Insteon and Z-Wave.

When I try to add them in Home Assistant it’s asking me for a usb device path which I don’t know due to I being a virtual machine.

How can I get this setup?

When you go to settings>system>hardware you can click on the 3 dots (top right), select All hardware and you get a list of all available hardware and paths.

This is all I see there:

Sorry i meant in HA:
Open your Home Assistant instance and show hardware information.

Thx. I either didn’t restart or didn’t install the virtual box extensions but after doing both the device is listed. I’m stuck in the Z-Wavs JS add-on is starting screen now though.