If “building a home” means you’re in the planning process, than I wouldn’t do such a search right now. Why you ask? Well, for now, you know not a lot about your future home, and how it will “work” if it is finally finished. There are always things, you won’t consider right now, that will make life harder.
To avoid this, I’d personally take the extra step and put in empty tubes* whereever I can. Every electrical line you plan right now, put two empty tubes in there as well.
This will give you the chance, to update/change your wiring afterwards, and only God knows, what the “cool new standard” will be in five years. So prepare for that.
I know, sounds complicated and not really straight forward thinking, but trust me, I’ve done a big house and a farm (both not mine, a friend asked to help) in the last year, whatever you prepare for, before you build the house, is in most cases undergoing a change, before you even use it once.
Let me give you an example: we planned with some cameras for the barns, turns out, whatever we did wasn’t enough to get a stable and reliable setup. So the solution was to span a new Wifi network only for one barn at a time and connect these with a Pi installed in the barn, that was wired and with PoE. We could have spared the powerline to that place completely, but should have taken the “empty tube” approach, so we wouldn’t have bought meters and meters of cable, that will now not be used as such.
What I’m saying is, the only plan you need to have upfront is this: Do I want/need something hard wired like KNX? If so, use more empty tubes just to be safe. All the other things will come step-by-step and you will likely see what you want, when you live in that house.
And in these uncertain times, you should as well consider what is available at the time you need it… Example: go and get 15 RaspberryPis now, for a considerable price…not that funny… And who wants to live without a door bell for the first six months? If you work with one or two systems, whatever they are, you will depend on them and their availabilty. But if you just plan with a “smart door bell”, it makes it easier to find a product, when you need it!
To sum it up: HA is intelligent enough to work with most products on the market, don’t make yourself crazy with specific systems and products. This will come, when needed! Just plan ahead with power lines and outlets (as you will need lots of them), maybe even with some outlets where USB ports are already available, and you’re good to go. You don’t need to know what specific product/device you will use, just where and what type. Take this into account, and you will safe a ton of money down the road and you will have more fun in your house!
*= I don’t know how this is called, in german we say “Leerrohr” that roughly translates to “empty tube”.