New to HA, trying to add a simple “view” tab to add weather sensor data at the top identical to main screen. but from my MQTT sensor., then add a (group?) panel for Lights to control upstairs lights.
I’ve got all the entitites working on the default page.
if I got it correctly, you just need do add the desired entities to a group and then add the parameter “view: yes” to the group. This brings up a new “tab” at the top of the screen.
Like this:
I struggled for a bit. But, finally got it. I also discovered: if I saved what I have that works as configuration.001 etc. as I go along. Then when things get hairy and the page doesn’t reload. I can re-name what did work with the yaml extension and get back on track quickly.
Now that I have a tab “Upstairs”; I can add a “group” that will display as a panel underneath the Group “view” or within the parameter between the group and view?
Hmmm. I just noticed in the video. In the customize.yaml file where it says “customize:”
Mine says customize: !include customize.yaml
Can you fill me in a little on that?
I’m just going to keep plugging away till I get this
Hm, I don’t know if I understood your problem correctly.
AFIAK, there can only be one “panel” on the top of the main HS page. The entries on that panel are defined by the “view: yes” parameter of the particular group.
But of course you can add a group into a another group. Example hierachy:
This should bring up the entry “Upstairs” into your panel on top, and by clicking this entry, the other groups/rooms with their sensors should show up.
Anybody please correct me if I missed something. I am new to HS as well .
I also discovered: if I saved what I have that works as configuration.001 etc. as I go along. Then when things get hairy and the page doesn’t reload. I can re-name what did work with the yaml extension and get back on track quickly.
Well, this is commonly know as “backup”. No backup - no mercy .
Yep, that worked. Thank you! What I discovered is that there has to be an “entity” within the group. Otherwise, it(group) does not show up on the screen.
What I was trying to do, was to create zones: Upstairs; mbr, kidsrm, guestrm Downstairs; livingrm, kitchen etc. Then, add the entities as I create them.
To validate that. I created Upstairs(view) and the groups Master Bedroom, Kids Room and Guest Room. Then added a separate sensor data entity to each room. And now, they show up in the upstairs tab/view.