I just received my Home Assistant Green and a ZBT-1 from Ameri Droid. I attached all the cables and the lights were flashing. I started the Home Assistant software on my iPhone, my green was listed on the page and I selected it. It then asked me to enter my login information ie Name, username, password, confirm password, then pressed create account. I waited several minutes (had dinner), but it appeared that my screen had frozen. I unplugged the green, and powered down my router etc. and tried again, after a couple of times entering my setup information, I tried accessing the green via my PC. It routed me to the login screen, but when I attempted to enter my logging credentials, it kept telling me "Invalid username or password.
I looked online and found that if I connected my green to a monitor and keyboard I could type in
“Auth reset --username existing_user --password new_password” I exchanged the existing_user and new_password for my information, and hit return. I then received an error telling me to contact supervisor.
I don’t think that i did anything wrong, is it possible that I received a reconditioned unit?
I am currently at a loss, and am not sure what to do next please help.
I was contacted by Brandon, he sent me information on how to download the files that I needed by going to http://green.home-assistant.io. I followed the instructions there.